I am considering adding limited locksmithing services to what we do.
We frequently have customers ask for multiple keys for hardware we install. While keys aren't expensive, the time to go to a shop and have them cut is. Cutting them in-house would be fairly easy. With that in mind, I've ordered a key cutting machine and a decent assortment of key blanks for commercial locks.
I'm pretty sure that with a pin kit and a handful of tools, I could rekey just about any lock or cylinder to an existing key without too much trouble.
However, I also have a small hospital that wants us to take care of all of their locksmithing as well. They want to buy hardware keyed to their system without having to deal with a separate locksmith. The one company local to them is apparently not very good. They have what I believe is a Sargent master setup and that's where I get out of my league. The facilities manager isn't sure what he has so he dumped a keyring on me to figure it out. While I think I understand how the system works, I would love some pointers toward good information.
I have a list of handsets he wants to replace now and being able to key them in-house would be a real benefit.