Mike wrote:
For quality kiddo time, I'd suggest considering a solid Tamiya kit. The near disappearance of kits from the hobby really disappoints me. Building a car from a pile of parts, carefully, over a handful of hours, is incredibly rewarding. If your kid has the maturity, building a matching pair of cars together really seems to me like a great time.
To this end, Tamiya is great, because they have great instructions, well organized build plans, bodies that make you look like a paint pro, and you can get different designs with the same chassis. Your kid can have a CR-Z, and you can have a CRX. You can choose a 240Z rally car, and your kid can have an EVO.
Tamiya makes some cool stuff, but I wish they wouldn't blatantly piss on their fan-base. There is no excuse for them to be selling kits with plastic bushings throughout in 2014, and they shouldn't have been doing it in 2010, 2005, 2000, or 1995 either.
For instance, the Dual Ridge:

Yet another of the gazillion TT02 variants. It's an entry level 4WD buggy, aimed at beginners, with non-adjustable camber & toe, plastic gears, plastic shocks, and has a full compliment of worthless plastic bushings, yet it costs $140 for the kit by itself (no radio, battery, or charger). For $140, you'd think they could at least include bronze bushings, if not full bearings...It's downright insulting that they do not.
Rather than spending $230-250 to get his Tamiya entry-level buggy operational, an RC newcomer might prefer to spend $160 on something like the ARRMA Raider:

It's 2WD, so not a perfect comparison...But this car comes ready to run with battery, controller, and charger, has an aluminum chassis, adjustable camber & toe, is li-po ready, has all metal gears, and has metal ball bearings throughout. Parts are available from Tower Hobbies and several other places. The negative is that you don't get to build it as a kit.
I'm with you, it sucks that the hobby these days is no longer kit-oriented. I wish I could buy something like the ARRMA car above, as a kit, and for an even cheaper price since it wouldn't have to be assembled for me, but the fact is that the market just isn't there.