PubBurgers SuperDork
9/27/24 1:56 p.m.

My registration is in a bizarre limbo I need to sort out before I can trade in my car.

  • In 2021, I bought my current car, a 2017 Focus ST. The purchase was made in SC
  • In 2022, I moved to Virginia.
  • After stalling till the tags were expired in May 2023, I went to the VA DMV.
  • They pointed out that my SC registration had an incorrect VIN (one letter is different) and gave me a form to allegedly get it corrected.
  • Got home, realized the form didn't really pertain to my situation.
  • Delayed a further 1.5 years
  • Went back to the VA DMV, they confirmed the previous form was useless and directed me back to the SC DMV
  • Currently trying to get into contact with the SC DMV who might not be super willing to help given the registration expired a year and a half ago.

Admittedly, my own laziness has greatly complicated things. Still, I want to give the government money so I can be registered like a regular human person. I have the bill of sale (still making payments) with the correct VIN and the physical car with the correct VIN. I'm sure Carmax (lienholder) would send proof as well.


Even though the car was purchased at Carmax, is financed through Carmax, and will be traded in towards another purchase at Carmax, they really want that current registration.


Anyone experience anything similar? Should I just push at the local DMV since all physical evidence aside from an expired out of state registration confirms the correct VIN? If I had just now purchased the car, registration wouldn't be an issue so why am I totally locked in because of a totally different state governments clerical error? Am I doomed to beauracracy hell (it's this one isn't it)?


Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
9/27/24 2:02 p.m.

I would think you would need to try to work with SC, otherwise, you would need to to start from scratch with VA, and I am not sure what that entails.

03Panther PowerDork
9/27/24 4:13 p.m.

The DMV in VA, is one of the reasons I know longer live in VA. I've heard they are even worse now. 
Sorry I have no advice, but I feel your pain. 

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