Got the Quest 2 the other day and so far enjoying it. I downloaded the Thrill of the Fight which turns out to be a decent workout as well. Would like to find out a knock-out secret as I have only been able to knock out 2 of the fighters so far. The kids love it but the padding gives one of them a bad rash the next morning so he doesn't play it as much.
Any other fun games I need to look out for? Downloaded Bait last night, it's pretty neat.
I saw Beat Saber, looks like a good one to be more active. Thinking the kids might like the walking dead one since they like zombie stuff and first person shooters.
Went to a friend's and was really impressed with the Oculus 2. Went looking for more info to buy one and found that a facebook account is required. That's a deal killer for me.
3/9/21 8:26 p.m.
Ive had a Rift for a few years. As noted Beat Saber is awesome and good exercise. Dead and Buried is a fun little zombie shooter.
No Oculus, but I have an Index. Half Life Alyx and Star Wars Squadrons are the two games I've most enjoyed on it.