Back in February I fell on some hard times. I had my car repoed, got it sorted out and got the car back. Restructured my costs and moved on.
A couple weeks ago at my job I picked up another assistant manager under me. Guy had been out of work for awhile, but he really seemed to be a really good service manager. I as psyched, finally had someone who knew what they were doing. He was having trouble getting used to the antiquated operating our system uses. He was sent to me so I could get him over the mountain sized learning curve the system requires.
He was struggling for a long time, but it seemed like he was picking it up. Then one day we're out smoking and I was talking about my wife's car. Then he describes it to the letter and admits to me that he was the one that repoed it. All I could do was laugh and told him that it didn't bother me, he was just doing his job.
Well after that I start getting these weird complaints from my boss that this same guy was complaining that I wasn't training him very well. My boss and I thought it was just my training style didn't mesh with his an told me to have the service manger do the training. I said no problem.
I thought we had moved forward. Still everyday the guy is whining how asinine all the corporate policies and how my boss had screwed him on his salary. I tried to encourage the guy as best I could and give him solutions on how to work around it.
The this Tuesday he saw something on his commission report, flipped his lid, tossed me his keys and said he could make better money working out of his garage. I pulled him aside again, tried to help reconcile him again, but there was no winning this battle. I called my boss told him he walking and got told if he wants to walk, let him walk. Great now short a closer I now had to pull a 15 hour shift because he couldn't hack it.
Now I get a call today from my boss that this same guy called him and talked to him at length and the majority of it was me getting thrown under the bus. stating that I never trained him at all, left him when he was in need and spent most of my day standing outside smoking and otherwise avoiding dealing with issues in the shop. I get told he's going to 'sit down and discuss this with me' next week and not in a good way. The new guy has been taken back and moved to a different store.
I'm fuming and my service manager and I are talking it through and I find the real problem. Th new guy had problem with me because he repoed my car. And the two had talked about it a fair bit evidently.
This as ate me up quite a bit today. It never bothered me that he repoed my car, but when the guy starts messing with my job by making up issues just to get out of my store I want to know if there's any privacy laws I can use against him for discussing this with my service manager. He had mentioned that he could get in quite a bit of trouble for this.
Now I will mention that my service manager is a friend of mine and was even the one that lent me the money to get my car back, but the way it was told to me he wasn't the one that brought up the repo, but rather the new guy did.