problemaddict wrote:Osterizer wrote: Is it possible to skip iTunes all together?Google "ipod hacks". Its possible to do all kinds of stuff with 'em. Including uploading a new linux based operating system. I'm currently researching turning my ipod mini into a universal remote for my tv and upgrading its 4gb harddrive to a 32gb flash card....
Yeah, I've got a friend who's fond of playing Doom on his iPod. Pretty trick.
Josh wrote: Yeah, the battery thing is basically a non-issue relentlessly trumpeted by people who for whatever reason are desperate to find fault with anything Apple does. I mean, if you are going to direct your hate at something in this world, someone else's choice of a digital audio player seems like a pretty frivolous choice. I have a first-gen nano, which is supposed to be the hardest to replace the battery on (soldered to the board, tiny chassis), and I ran it through the washing machine. Once I dried it out, it worked, but only plugged in - it wouldn't hold a charge. With $12 and half an hour's work, I had a new battery with 50% more capacity and it's worked perfectly ever since.
Oh snap, burn! You're not my friend anymore.
Fine, but what about those "Unknown Error 1416" or whatever?
Please note: This isn't a defense of the Zune. I do like the new ones, but as long as they are DRM'ed up, and aren't straight drag and drop, I'll not be purchasing one of those either. I'm just a little annoyed and jealous of Apple being so successful with a product that's so middle-of-the-road.