SVreX wrote: I always thought tinnitus was caused by chronic long term exposure. Sounds like some of you are referencing an acute injury or incident. Can it also be caused by an acute incident, or is that different?
Short answer, Mine is brain damage.
Longer answer. I don't remember a time I didn't have it. Always made hearing tests hard. I've always thought it was my ears, for various reasons. And there are some inner ear problems, like lax muscles holding the bones together in the left ear. I've also got meniere's disease like symptoms.
Chasing this around some years ago, I happened to be at an audiologist when my ears weren't shrieking (sometimes happens, clue #1). I could hear her through the walls. We discussed things, including my MS, and she told me the problem was really quite likely my brain (clue #2). Mental training to help, but I didn't bother, and wanted to argue that it was still my ears.
Doing physical therapy after the motorcycle crash, they tested the heck out of my ears. Where they move you around and watch your eyeballs. I passed with flying colors (clue #3) Huh, no loose rocks in my semi-circular canals.
My physical and cognitive therapists kept insisting my balance, vision and hearing problems were brain damage (clue #4). Crash or MS or both, who knew. Finally my cognitive therapist basically forced me to see an Optometrist who specialised in TBI patients.
The gold ring clue was the eye tests the Optometrist did. She could turn the noise on and off with the different lenses, as well make me almost throw-up and try to crawl out of the chair. To my surprise, she wasn't surprised by any of this. In fact, I'm sure one time she said "ears on, ears off" as she flipped through some lenses.
Well shoot, so it is all in my brain. Or nearly all. I still like to pretend something is sorta wrong with my ears, somehow. All evidence to the contrary.
Not that I don't have physical triggers, as well some others. Caffeine, particularly coffee will make the shrieking louder. Gunshot type sounds will completely turn my right ear off. Psychedelic artwork can literally knock me down sometimes, and set my ears to screaming. Blue stage lighting plays hell with my mind and ears.