I need a place to park a car safely for 4 days near the end of December. Let me know if you can help me.
I need a place to park a car safely for 4 days near the end of December. Let me know if you can help me.
I am 30 minutes west of The Elyria Midway Mall. I suspect that doesn't really help you much but if it does, I have the ability to park 8 cars in my secluded driveway and I can still move any one of those 8 without having to move another. More than a driveway, my single residence house has a parking lot. I have nearly as much parking space as the 4-unit condo building next to me. If that is not enough, bordering my property is an actual parking lot.
I also have a fleet of driver's so we may be able to move you locally or back to Elyria if needed.
I am also close to Elyria. If you still need / want the Miata clutch you could park at my shop in North Olmsted and pick the clutch at the same time.
In reply to Sofa King:
I could swear I sent you a PM on that clutch, but can't find any evidence that I did.
Anyway, I went with the new clutch I had purely out of convenience. But thanks for the offer! I did want to let you know that the disc you have is in fact fairly new. My new disc measured .337" thick. How close are you to Elyria? 3rd street and middle avenue in particular?
In reply to JohnRW1621:
Funny, that's what my son said. And it's why I'm asking the question.
He is an organist at the Methodist Church there. We're heading up to my buddy's house in northern michigan, and I want to save time by picking him up on the way, but need a place not too far away to put his car.
Thanks for the info on the clutch. I'll keep it for my 99.
I'm 5-6 miles from "downtown" Elyria. I'm on the way between you and Elyria, but on the wrong side to be on the way between Elyria and Michigan. Your son has been to my shop, he should have a better idea of the convenience.
My house is about 2 miles from Route 2 and about 6 miles from The Ohio Turnpike (but 30 minutes West of Elyria) if you just need a point to rally and drop a car.
What part on N. Mich?
In reply to Sofa King:
Unfortunately its my other son. But that's no big deal, I'm sure we can find it. It's not until the last week in December that we'll be doing this, so I'll evaluate my options as we go and let you guys know. I appreciate the offers!
Once a guy was doing a speech and butchered the Elyria name and I just blurted out the correct pronunciation of I-leer-ree-a for him - it stopped the speech and he gave me an odd look.
Dowagiac, Michigan is another name I'm proud I can properly pronounce. Ypsilanti, Oconomowoc, Wauwatosa, Cudahy.......kind of my hobby, I guess.
JohnRW1621 wrote: ... I've driven my Miata to Elyria
I've seen a miata in elyria, but mostly lifted rusty trucks.
I gather i am too far south to bother. And my wife's cousin called it El-why-ruh when she came down from Michigan a few months ago
Near daily, for work, I get phone calls out of St. Louis, MO about Elyria, OH. I've heard the name butchered six way to Sunday.
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