I have semi-bad eyesight currently. Last time I went for a renewal of my DL was about a year or two ago, and I was JUST BARELY able to pass without correction. I understand the legal limit is 20/40 in your better eye. I do have glasses, but they are 5-6 years old (and still mostly work). I believe I am close to 20/40 in my non-dominant left eye, and much worse, like 20/90 or so, in my right eye. For close work, I have no problems at all, either eye. This has not always been the case for me, up until age 15 or so I had "20/20 vision". When I get really tired, I have problems getting my eyes to converge, or to both focus on the same point. I get by just fine day to day, but every once in a while someone will be like "wait, you really can't see that?".
I don't wear glasses or contacts or anything on any regular basis. I have tried, and I hate wearing them all. Can never seem to 'get used to it' like people say you do.
Making things worse, I believe that eyes (just like all muscular body parts), can be healed or trained or changed over time. I have read quite a bit on natural vision correction, and I agree with the premise, but have not been able to put a solid effort into trying to fix my problem. I guess the best way to describe how I feel is like that of a person who struggles with weight. I believe there is a solution (eating less and working out more), and I believe it would work, but I have not been able to do it myself.
Now, here is the crux of the issue. Unlike weight control, I can't seem to find ANYONE who seems to be a reputable and trusted (and backed by real science) resource to help me work on my eyesight. "Eye doctors" seem mostly to be in the selling surgery/selling frames businesses, and there are quacks peddling crap in the natural vision correction market just like there are in the weight control market.
I would like to be able to have a chat with someone who is really knowledgeable about eyes and eyesight, and can answer my questions, and pose new better questions, and help me out. Or tell me that natural vision correction isn't real (using logic and facts though, not just "most people don't think it works") and that I should just buckle down and get lasic.