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mndsm Dork
7/28/10 4:07 p.m.

No. And I'm pretty sure I don't want to see that. Linkplz?

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Webmaster
7/28/10 4:23 p.m.

Totally worth watching. Kinda creepy, completely fascinating.

OMG. The bee-manity!

rmarkc Reader
7/28/10 5:10 p.m.
Duke wrote: 5 inches! And I thought cicada-killers were nasty sumbitches.

I had one a little smaller than that with yellow and red stripes come and hover about 3 inches from my face when I was installing the wideband in my Miata.
The top was up and that bitch was in front of the only open door. Thankfully, it went away on it's own...came back about 3 seconds later and then flew away.
I think it was trying to pick a fight and it would have won too. The itty-bitty screwdriver and needle-nose pliers I had would have been no help against that monster.

Damn I hate wasps.

Now, the 4" span wolf spider that hung out in the bathroom for 3 days didn't bother me a bit. It did surprise me the 1st day when I staggered in half-asleep to take care of early morning business though.

Buzz Killington
Buzz Killington HalfDork
7/28/10 5:19 p.m.
93celicaGT2 wrote: You guys haven't seen the video of the Japanese Hornets destroying a Honey Bee colony, i gather?

seen it...kinda felt bad for those bees, too. they had zero chance.

aircooled wrote: So basically it is the terrestrial version of this:

except that the larva apparently eats its host in a certain order to keep it alive as long as possible. fatty tissues first, then digestive organs, then circulatory and nervous system. then it uses the skin to pupate.

BTW, it is always creepy when bugs turn their heads to look at you, like this one did when i poked it. i had a praying mantis turn its head to follow me once as i walked by it standing on the fender of my dad's car. i suddenly knew what lunch feels like.

93celicaGT2 SuperDork
7/28/10 5:25 p.m.
mndsm wrote: No. And I'm pretty sure I don't want to see that. Linkplz?

Here you go. Prepare to have the crawlies for at least two weeks.

Some of the related links are particularly shudder-worthy.


1988RedT2 Reader
7/28/10 6:39 p.m.
rmarkc wrote: Now, the 4" span wolf spider that hung out in the bathroom for 3 days didn't bother me a bit. It did surprise me the 1st day when I staggered in half-asleep to take care of early morning business though.

My wife would never put up with that. It would be my job to kill that sucker. One of the main reasons she keeps me around is to kill bugs. She doesn't like bugs. At all.

Trans_Maro Dork
7/28/10 9:15 p.m.

Damn, I followed that link.

Now I've got something new to be freaked out about.

I'm glad our winters are cold in Canada.

We get these things up here though:

They don't so much except kill our forests but damn they're nasty looking.


4eyes HalfDork
7/30/10 11:29 p.m.


Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
7/31/10 8:39 a.m.

I can wipe out a colony of giant scary hornets in like... 30 seconds with a colander and a single can of 2+2 carb cleaner.

cwh SuperDork
7/31/10 8:59 a.m.

I understand the carb cleaner, but what is the colander for?

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker SuperDork
7/31/10 9:10 a.m.
cwh wrote: I understand the carb cleaner, but what is the colander for?

To throw over the nest so they can't get to me while I commit genocide. A garbage bag works well too but its not as dramatic for the audience :)

mad_machine SuperDork
7/31/10 4:40 p.m.

can you get a clear colander?

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