4/19/16 5:33 p.m.
It looks like I'm being tasked with building an app for work. I don't know much about building them. And when I say much, I mean basically nothing. I've authored manuals in ArborText before. I'm told that's similar to HTML. So, what app builder sites/programs out there would you recommend for a newbie?
4/19/16 7:11 p.m.
when you say app, do you mean mobile app (phones/tablets) or web based app. I just started taking some online courses in iOS and Android app programming. Similar to HTML...um...not really but kinda I guess. If you understand programming logic and syntax you can pick it up.
Look for the courses on Udemy by Rob Percival, they are pretty good, slow at the beginning but it basically goes on the assumption you know nothing to start. And find a groupon or something because I only paid $10 each for the courses not the $200 or so they list for and they always have a sale going on somewhere.
4/19/16 11:41 p.m.
You know, unless you're really excited to do this, it might be better for everyone involved to use something like upwork.com (formerly e-lance) to find a freelancer to write the app. If it's something simple, they'll knock it out faster than you can get up to speed on the topic. And it'll look decent. And it won't crash all the time. (probably)
Assuming you're talking phone app, which OS are you supposed to target? Android, iOS, Windows Phone?
There is a tool that allows you to write an app in HTML5 and Javascript and then build it for each of the three OSs, but that still requires access to the SDKs and also HTML5 and Javascript knowledge. Can't remember the name of the tool right now unfortunately, old age is getting to me.
Edit: Found it, it used to be called PhoneGap and is now called Apache Cordova.
4/20/16 6:31 a.m.
Sorry, I wasn't specific. Mobile apps, IOS and Android For sure, tablets would be good.
I tried shoutem, it was ok, but there were limitations.