14 week old critter coming along as far as pooping outside, not killing the cat and what furniture isn't hers.
Today Trish thought it would be a good idea for me to bring her to the airport (small, little traffic) to hang out while I worked on my ship. She was on one of those wind up leashes, I set it on a ladder while I ran an extension cord out to my glider trailer; something fell over, she bolted. Rats.
She ran around the property while the leash thing retracted, scaring the crap out of her and making the little feet peddle faster. She ran over the taxiway and into the grass area between the runways. I can't keep up, I run back to get my truck and chase her down; by the time I get the truck she's gone! She's the same color as the mowed rough grass.
Airport property is totally fenced in. I cruise the perimeter in the club's golf cart, nadda. I did this for 90 minutes or so and finally had to tell Mrs. 914 the bad news. She came, hopped into the second golf cart and cruised the wooded area calling and listening. Three guys from the FBO came out to help.
Five hours later the golf cart I was using died so I hoofed it back to the hangar. As I stepped on to the asphalt taxiway at dark I didn't see it, but this little woof woof came from the other side 30 feet away.
We've been teaching her to come but she still circles in 3 ft. radii. Got the leash!
She's happy to be home, we're happy she didn't get mauled by hawks, crows, tromped on by a deer or just run over.
Doggie training continues.
Owner training continues.

All's well that ends well! You'll get it all sorted out in time. She's a cutie...
Poor little thing must have gotten the worst scare of her young life with that leash gaining on her like that after a scary noise.
She is adorable and it sounds like she is not only smart, but eager to please. Glad she didn't get run over by a plane during the ordeal.
11/5/15 7:43 p.m.
Good dog making sure you get your exercise.
I've heard that you shouldn't chase a dog. Instead, lie down, like you're hurt, but don't call out to Doggy. Doggy will come inquisitively come to you.
Thanks for the support guys, I feel plenty stupid.
The folks at the airport are getting a big bag of good bagels and exotic cream cheeses tomorrow morning. 
Gaining her trust (meaning she comes to you, not 3 feet away) should be pretty straightforward. For training we use very small pieces of hot dog, boiled chicken, or cheese, you will figure out what your dog prefers pretty quickly. Have a baggie of delicious treats in your pocket, and switch to a fixed leash. With the dog on leash, walk around together, exploring areas she likes. When she makes eye contact with you, offer a treat. At first give a treat every time, gradually switching over to randomly, but only when she makes eye contact.
Once she is paying more attention to you, and trying to figure out what gets her a treat, then it is easier to work on sit, down, stay. Once she knows these, she is ready for a longer training leash and working on coming to you when called.
Always treat the first few times she gets a new trick right, then offer treats on a more random basis when doing the same trick. The idea is like the lottery machine vs. soda machine, with the thought being that you stick money in a soda machine, it better give you a berkeleying soda or else, but many people will stick quarters in a slot machine with no return at all, over and over. Your dog will be curious as to why she gets treats only sometimes, and will be more willing to give you all of her doggie attention to get more, provided she is food motivated.
Have patience, and let her know she is a good dog. 
Yes, like ECM said, let her know she's a good dog. ALWAYS lavish her with praise, when she does something right, in addition to the treat method. Ignore bad behavior (potty in the house, digging in the yard, chewing on shoes, etc.), other than a sharp "NO!", when she's getting into trouble. In those instances, redirect her attention.
Cute little booger, by the way. 
11/6/15 1:01 p.m.
It's been an adventurous 1.5 years with Chewie. Last week he found an opening in my backyard fence, luckily he was content to romp around the neighbor's unfenced yard until I could call him over and put a leash on him that I had to fetch quickly.
They're worth every bit. 
Frank's All Beef full bun length wienies boiled and she'll sell her soul!
Thanks. That and youtubing may get us through this.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
you will figure out what your dog prefers pretty quickly.