My son got tickets to Sunday's game, Yankees vs Red Sox, yankees won 5 - 2.
He didn't know where he was going even though his fiance has a box on the first base line. He ended up in the "Audi box" on the third base foul line.
A nice young woman in a blue blazer met him and Kim at the door, seated them and said Tommy will be right with you.
Who's Tommy?
An older gentleman steps up and introduces himself as Tommy, I'll be with you tonight. This was an air conditioned box overlooking the field through a huge piece of glass, ESPN was piped in but the 6 second delay kinda took away from it.
Ian said is was OK, he had the lamb, tried Bison, enjoyed some fresh twirled pasta and had one of every kind of dessert made. Things were quiet up to the eigth inning, then the Sox put two in and the Yankees followed with five runs.
It was OK, but he prefers the commaderadie, sweating and yelling of the other seats, but hey it's free tickets!