internetautomart wrote:
Trans_Maro wrote:
Wanna talk stereotypes??
I have second-gen F-body cars and I lived in a trailer for a short while.
I still have all my "teef" and my wife isn't barefoot and pregnant so I guess I'm not white trash yet.
But do you have a mulllet?
Nope, long hair but no "Kentucky waterfall" for me.
HunterJP wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
If you serch the site called the HAMB, there is a thread about to make wide whites for cheap. Think latex paint...
Yeah, I have seen a few different ways to "make" my own white walls. Honestly, if I decide to go the "rat rod" route with the E30, then I probably will do something like this, as actual white wall tires get a little too spendy for a cheap bucket like mine.
Dude, you'll piss off everyone, rat-rodders to BMW types. Awesome.
Appleseed wrote:
HunterJP wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
If you serch the site called the HAMB, there is a thread about to make wide whites for cheap. Think latex paint...
Yeah, I have seen a few different ways to "make" my own white walls. Honestly, if I decide to go the "rat rod" route with the E30, then I probably will do something like this, as actual white wall tires get a little too spendy for a cheap bucket like mine.
Dude, you'll piss off everyone, rat-rodders to BMW types. Awesome.
Yeah, kinda the idea. More so, though, to just make people do a double take and go, "WTF?!". 
Well, if you really want that, might I suggest lots of skulls and spider webbing then. A skull shifter would be sweet.
Eh, I still have to like it. LOL. Thinking about pinstriping it. Just around the Roundels, though. 
Tim Baxter wrote:
I don't care if it runs on blueberries and pixie stix. Cool is cool.
Can Tim get quotes on the "read on the message board" section in the mag, seriously this would fit.