I'm looking for factory paint jobs (or dealer custom) or decal jobs that were not of the norm from the 80's, i.e. rarely seen.
I need some ideas for Forza 4. I'm late to the game and I enjoy making custom paint jobs, however I seem to be acquiring many 80's cars for some reason. 
For example the AW11 could come in a two-tone in certain years in other countries, here in the US it was one solid color (IIRC).

The green over gold was available in the US as well. I know because I owned one. We called it the "Eddie Bauer Edition."
In reply to JG Pasterjak:
Well then it for sure wasn't too common. which is why I'm looking for pictures. 
why limit it to factory or dealer stuff?
throw some neon pink scallops on the car and call it a day..
1/2/13 11:28 a.m.
Decal jobs? Any photo taken in Canada in the 80's should give you plenty to work with.
protip: for "chrome" bumpers on say the buick regal (like if you were trying to make something like that 2 tone olds style paint above) use metallic white as your base coat, then "paint" the car using vinyls to add color, masking off around the bumpers to leave them "chrome"
I seem to be doing more 70's style paints lately, primarily on the Vandura again. I still need to make that mod top barracuda.
New Reader
1/2/13 12:34 p.m.
Hmmm... 10 cans of Touch up spray paint and my MR2 can look like that white and gray SC. Well sort of anyway.
I always like the paint jobs with the silver along the bottom edge.. not that I brave enough to do it today
Samurais came with a wide variety of 80s-tastic stripes:

And everyone wanted a piece of that sweet firechicken action:

^Still possibly the coolest car ever made.
The most '80s car of all, the Subaru XT, was available with this paint job that makes it look like it's made of Lego:


There was a girl at my HS with one like this in a factory Copper-orange and black with louvers on the back window. Man, that thing was cool.
I wanted a Fire Arrow bad.

Does my custom 80's van count?
It's not a factory job but it's certainly 80's-tastic
Curmudgeon wrote:
I wanted a Fire Arrow bad.
one of my cousins had one as a winter beater in the early 90's.. he couldn't kill it no matter how hard he tried.. it was in perfect condition, but he spray bombed it flat black because he thought the factory paint job looked stupid and purposely tried to take out a utility pole with it just to finally kill it for good.
What could be awesomer than the 10AE RX-7 from Mazda? White on white! 

how is it that I couldn't remember a single car with two-tone paint, but when I see the pics in this thread I remember seeing each one.
Coming in just under the wire at 1989 is the two-tone Nissan 240SX coupe:

Which looks dope in its Silvia guise:

More boxy, two-tone '80s Nissan goodness with the R30 and R31 Skyline:

Some FC RX-7s had factory two-tone paint jobs:

Woody wrote:
Decal jobs? Any photo taken in Canada in the 80's should give you plenty to work with.
But you have to search for "DECK-al". If you search for "dee-KAL", you'll only get Firebirds in Alabama.
What it lacks in stripes and 2 tone paint jobs it makes up for in lower door lettering, a blue tinted moonroof and a sweet digital dash. I give you the 1988 Subaru GL-10 Full Time 4WD Turbo. I had this car as a red wagon with a 5 speed. I would like to own another someday, before they all turn to dust.

A kid I went to high school with had the red one. I thought it was sexy as hell at the time.

But Capris across the pond had some two-tone sexy going on too.

I think I'd take that one.