James Madison, founding father, wanted a national, gubment owned brewery!
I say let's do it!
This is tongue-in-cheek, and I heard about it on the history channel. I don't know if it is true... I just thought it was interesting, especially in todays political climate!
Beats the government funded oil industry we have now.
So instead of the Teaparty it would be called the Brewparty or Beerparty?
In any case it's a party!!!!
4/23/11 8:53 a.m.
Toyman01 wrote:
Mental likes this.
Our party convention would be just like the opening scene of Animal House at Delta. Protesters would gave their guitars smashed ( yes I know that was later at the Toga) and the convention would close with group singing of "Louie Louie"
No hate speech allowed, anyone taking the floor and violations of Roberts Rules would require a shot.
Of course with these habits we would emphatically support public transportation.
Baggers hate madison and most federalists.
4/23/11 11:30 a.m.
flounder-titles exist because you're trying to get everybody drunk.
JoeyM wrote:
flounder-titles exist because you're trying to get everybody drunk.
Hmm. I don't like your name. What sort of name is "Joey" anyway?
4/23/11 12:59 p.m.
Bunch of baby kangaroos up in here. 
Yes, he saw it as a way to avoid/reduce the tax imposed after the revolution. We had to pay those debts.
Didn't archaeologists dig up the place where George Washington cooked his corn squeezins at Mt.Bourbon?
In reply to TRoglodyte:
4/23/11 7:25 p.m.
4eyes wrote:
Bunch of baby kangaroos up in here.
The name applies to any baby marsupial. He can be the Kangaroo. I'll be the marsupial lion with the mega-sized carnssials

Don't kid yourself. Such a brewery already exists, along with production facilities for every wacky mind-altering drug you can think of. How else could you possibly explain the bizarre E36M3 that goes down in DC?
Yeah, he's from a time when everybody drank beer since water was not always safe.
4/25/11 10:45 p.m.
4/26/11 6:06 a.m.

Thank goodness they came to their senses...
Can you imagine standing in line for a gummit beer???