My bestest present was having my life spared by Queen Margie. Second was a tour of the GRM HQ by Tom. Also picked up a great work shirt while I was there. The worst was an attempt to buy a Wii for the wife and I, and finally finding them online with Circuit City. You had to call in and order a bundle, including an extra controller and a game. But you had to pick the game up in the store. The nearest store that had the game I wanted was 3 and a half hours away. Oh, and no rain checks on the game, and you had to present the credit card and id to pick it up. And they wonder why they had to file Chapter 11...
ignorant wrote:
Osterizer wrote:
The Visa gift cards, on the other hand, are perfect and I will use them to buy pornography.
buy porno? does not compute
buy it?
When 30 second clips are about 10 seconds too long?
MitchellC wrote:
Time to move on to mustard.
I got mustard, but it was one of the best and most thoughtful gifts of all (from the same almost-ex SIL that gave me a condom and chocolates for my b-day three days prior...).
Sorry...I can't really contribute otherwise, I don't recall any bad gifts (at least not that were given with any sort of sincerity).
A telescoping back-scratcher. Alternately useful as a zen garden rake. So, there's that.
I can always count on one relative for completely off the wall presents that I will find amusing, though almost never useful in any way.
I got a spider man toy that grows when you put it in water. WTF I am not a spider man fan or anything.
maroon92 wrote:
grinch77 said:
I got these from a Secret Santa who in the berkeley in there right mind would wear these?
Can of Gold Spraypaint? can huff the fumes to make you feel euphoric enough to wear them?
Nah, I'd wear em.
What size are they? Maybe you could get a little auction going.
Wally wrote:
There will be a delightful display of a dozen deficating dispensers, each with it's back to the glass with a brown jelly bean prarie dogging from it's spring loaded sphincter as though my gravy boat had somehow perfected the brown note.
God I hope that makes it into the magazine!
1/6/09 12:04 p.m.
I got a cow.
Yep, a real one.
Actually, I didn't even really receive the cow.
I got a gift card telling me that someone else got a cow in my honor. least he got the cow.