It's the landing that hurts like hell.
I just got back from the hospital. Was out at the local target picking up some stuff for the new place when an idiot in a hopped up Honda decided that he did not have to stop for the clearly marked crosswalk. Not only did he not stop for it, but he passed an SUV that was stopped for somebody to walk across the crosswalk.. me.
I remember hearing spinning tires and then my whole world went upside and sideways. Thankfully said Honda was lowered and it literally scooped me up and into the windshield. When he panicked and hit the brakes was when I got hurt as I got thrown off and across the wet pavement. My right hand has some road rash, my left knee hurts, my fragile right shoulder is hurting again, and my leather jacket is shredded.. both from the glass of the windshield and my skidding across the pavement.
Is 2014 over yet?
glad you're ok though! Holy smokes that could have been a lot uglier 
Glad it wasnt worse... Time to lawyer up....
Holy berkeley. Glad you're OK. You're prolly gonna hurt much worse later.
Document it now !!... witnesses, reports, medical etc. Get checked out thoroughly. Don't be a nice guy and say you're feeling OK now and a couple years down the road you hurt like berkeleying hell. BTDT.
Holy E36 M3 dude! I'm glad you weren't hurt worse, that could have been really bad.
Holy E36 M3. Glad you were able to type afterwards, it could have been a lot worse.
3/7/14 8:11 p.m.
Yes, I'm glad that you made out as well as you did. That lawyer is going to want to get his hands on those security videos that Target no doubt has of the event. Even if it takes a subpoena.
And, I have to ask...did your shoes get knocked off? Every time I've seen someone who is hit by a car, at least one of their shoes is laying on the ground.
berkeley. Thank goodness you're at least here and able to type. I hope the healing goes quickly. Take the douchebag to the cleaners!!
Be thankful is was something without torque. Get the parking lot video footage for legal records for sure.
Wow, that sucks! Like everyone else I'm glad you're alright!
Wow, that sucks. Glad you weren't hurt bad, sorry you were hurt at all. It amazes me the number of people that fly through a busy parking lot.
Good luck with the aftermath.
Maybe you could get really lucky and have the driver sue you for damages to the car
(but seriously I have seen a driver try to pull that after a hit and run)
3/8/14 6:25 a.m.
captdownshift wrote:
Be thankful is was something without torque. Get the parking lot video footage for legal records for sure.

sure glad you're not any worse … when I first saw the thread I thought your Disco had been hit … and as tough as they are, I was wondering how the other guy looked …
make this hurt (for the honda guy) enough that he might learn something from it …
hope you get to feeling better soon …
Glad you are all in one piece! Something like that just happened here to a woman crossing at the crosswalk in downtown traffic ... she was not as lucky. The newspaper used the word "horrific".
Get well. Advil up.
Glad you are OK after that
I am a bit sore this morning. Shoulder is not happy, that is for sure. Hand does not look that bad.. done worse with a bicycle "landing".
I have complained before about people flying through parking lots.. I find it amazing that people will do 40mph or faster where there is no visibility, people and kids walking everywhere, and a car could back out of a spot at any time.
People are idiots. It is one of the reasons I live in a smaller town there are less people. Glad you are ok man. Like the others said get things documented. Don't be a nice guy to someone that is an obvious idiot and deserves a good smack down.
mad_machine wrote:
I have complained before about people flying through parking lots.. I find it amazing that people will do 40mph or faster where there is no visibility, people and kids walking everywhere, and a car could back out of a spot at any time.
This is one of those things that upsets me as well. I am glad you made it through in reasonably good shape!
Woody wrote:
And, I have to ask...did your shoes get knocked off? Every time I've seen someone who is hit by a car, at least one of their shoes is laying on the ground.
I tend to wear hiking boots, especially when working.. so no, my shoes stayed firmly attached to my feet 
I did lose my oaklys though.. they were brand new too
driver109x wrote:
Glad it wasnt worse... Time to lawyer up....
I'm glad your ok, but I despise this kneejerk reaction.
If its limited to covering medical / personal items I would find it acceptable. But even that can be handled through insurance.
Woody wrote:
And, I have to ask...did your shoes get knocked off? Every time I've seen someone who is hit by a car, at least one of their shoes is laying on the ground.
When I got hit by a Reliant in a marked crosswalk in high school, my shoes came off.
Got a ticket for it too from the friendly cop who watched the whole thing.
3/8/14 11:29 a.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
driver109x wrote:
Glad it wasnt worse... Time to lawyer up....
I'm glad your ok, but I despise this kneejerk reaction.
If its limited to covering medical / personal items I would find it acceptable. But even that can be handled through insurance.
except that most ins. co. adjusters (not all so no need to hit me
) will do their best to save the co. as much as they can … it's sorta their job … it's up to you to get as much as you need/deserve ..
odds are very high that your opinion of what is appropriate will be different from the adjusters
when I had my "big crash" the adjusters offer was so low that I actually laughed in her face … that didn't go over well … she did her best to bend me over and insert a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat …
lawyer took care of the problem with one phone call/letter
This same type of thing happened just yesterday in my old hometown. An elderly woman was struck in the roadway passing the store entrance. Unfortunately she was killed. People need to slow down, put down the cell phone and pay attention in parking lots.