3/8/14 1:09 p.m.
DeadSkunk wrote:
This same type of thing happened just yesterday in my old hometown. An elderly woman was struck in the roadway passing the store entrance. Unfortunately she was killed. People need to slow down, put down the cell phone and pay attention in parking lots.
there … fixed that for you 
I wonder how the lawyers would spin it. Going against me was the fact I had just gotten out of work. My uniform there consists of Black Hiking Boots, Black cargo pants, and a black polo or back long sleeved cotton shirt. My jacket was also a very dark brown suede leather.. as it was dusk, I bet somebody could spin it that I simply could not be seen.. which is the point of my uniform.
On the plus side, the crosswalk is very plainly labeled that cars are to stop for all pedestrians.
I won't call a lawyer till I see what the insurance is going to do about my medical bills, sunglasses, jacket, and the fact I am now out of work for a week
There is no paved surface more dangerous, for you or your car, than an active parking lot.
I hope the legal end of things go well for you.
Glad you're ok! I also recommend the lawyer. Also, the stores tend to light the area around their entrance pretty well, so their "can't see you" crap would be BS once the tapes were acquired and reviewed.
Nevermind the driver went around the stopped car by driving in the opposing lane, which is illegal along with running the stop sign, speeding and all traffic laws do apply to parking lots.
also, I would like to add that moving is doubly hard when you have a damaged wing. Thankfully all the heavy stuff is done, but even light boxes are hard to move with one arm
3/8/14 5:08 p.m.
mad_machine wrote:
I wonder how the lawyers would spin it. Going against me was the fact I had just gotten out of work. My uniform there consists of Black Hiking Boots, Black cargo pants, and a black polo or back long sleeved cotton shirt. My jacket was also a very dark brown suede leather.. as it was dusk, I bet somebody could spin it that I simply could not be seen.. which is the point of my uniform.
On the plus side, the crosswalk is very plainly labeled that cars are to stop for all pedestrians.
I won't call a lawyer till I see what the insurance is going to do about my medical bills, sunglasses, jacket, and the fact I am now out of work for a week
From your description, you weren't jaywalking and the perp pulled out of line to pass the vehicle in front of him - the vehicle that stopped because the driver DID see you. In spite of your dress, it's hard to see (no pun intended) how anyone can spin that against you when you did nothing illegal.
As much as I hate to suggest it, contacting a lawyer sounds like a prudent idea.
And I'm really glad you relatively OK because it could have been much worse.
3/8/14 5:17 p.m.
Really glad you're okay.
I once got t-boned in a parking lot by a woman in a van, who was distracted by her kids. She was probably doing 60k. Anyway -she didn't get charged because parking lots are private property. Most of the really bad back issues didn't show up for a week or two after the swelling had gone down (seats belts save lives, but they do it violently).
I had chiro care for several months, but the insurance company continuously harassed me over how long it would be. One side of my face is still marked from where it hit the open window.
My advice to you is to see that lawyer. Make sure you're covered if things go wrong.
Grtechguy wrote:
driver109x wrote:
Glad it wasnt worse... Time to lawyer up....
I'm glad your ok, but I despise this kneejerk reaction.
If its limited to covering medical / personal items I would find it acceptable. But even that can be handled through insurance.
on the contrary. lawyering up and going to court in a neckbrace when someone hits your car and you are pissed about it is a kneejerk reaction. getting run over in a crosswalk by an a-hole who thinks courtesy, law, decency, and everything else good do not apply to him is the correct time to lawyer up. people who do such things should never be allowed to drive again.
I have to go pick it up Monday. Should be an interesting read to say the least
All in all could have been so much worse, but like everyone else said glad you are no worse for wear than you are.
Ian F
3/9/14 9:09 a.m.
That's nuts. Glad to hear you're still walking. If the accident is preventing you from adequately doing your job, then should absolutely lawyer-up.
Doctors told me no work for the week due to the ever present shoulder injury. As they said. No lifting, no pushing, no pulling.. at least with that arm. When I go back for my check up, I should hopefully get my all clear.
Damn, glad you're OK. That guy's move was idiotic and he deserves to get his ass sued off.
3/10/14 7:09 a.m.
Was the Honda insured? The parking lot managment is not going to be very generous since they had done what they could to control the situation. You may be in a situation where there are minimal limits or no insurance which make recovery difficult. Go see a good lawyer today(not one of the goons that advertises on tv; you will get letters from enough of those nerds once the accident report becomes public record). You are not in a clear cut situation just due to the facts of a private parking lot.
Duuuude...... I hate that happened to you, man. Dammit! I am relieved to hear you are (fairly) okay, but heed the doctor's advice!
I am (obviously) not an attorney, but I do feed like as a driver, a person has a certain obligation or duty to other drivers and pedestrians. Since there was a gross breach of that duty (it sounds like) I don't see a reason you can't get back from this person what can make you whole again.
I don't (like many people) see this as a money-grab situation, but in many instances where injury and hurt can go on far longer than the ripeness of the case, money is the best thing we have (in our system) that can make you whole.
I would contact an attorney prior to any correspondence to the driver's insurance company. Who you chose in this scenario is key as well; find someone who you trust (LOL, as if you can trust ANY attorney), with a good track record....not just someone with a big billboard.
I hope you get to feeling well, man. I just hate to hear that happened.
Ouch. I agree it wouldn't be bad to talk to a lawyer.
Damn. Just saw this post. Glad you're OK.
3/10/14 10:44 a.m.
Dang, scary! Hope you heal up quickly and completely, and don't end up unduly wrestling with insurance or anybody else...