Arkansas is full, sorry no vacancy. See if you can convince some of the latest new comers to go with you wherever you wind up. 
NWA saw a much less severe impact of the "economic downturn" than most of the rest of the country thanks in large part to Walmart and all of the business interests that cater to them. The gargantuan agricultural and poultry industry in the area helped too, everyone's got to eat. The rest of the state is mostly rural, short of the North West, North East, and South West corners, and the Central part of the state. East Central is pretty urban too, but why would anyone in their right mind want to live in West Memphis?
Where I live, Conway, about 30 miles NW of Little Rock has seen a 10% annual population increase over the past ~3 years. It was once a sleeper community, everyone worked in LR, and lived in Conway. Now it's becoming an urban center in its own right, it's a college town 3 different institutions, and all of the shopping and restaurants that were once only in Little Rock or NWA are now appearing in Conway too.
While I appreciate Conway, I kind of hate it too. The infrastructure hasn't kept up with the boom. For some asinine reason stoplights are being replaced with roundabouts, and of course no one knows how to use them. A large influx of post Katrina "refugees" never left, and brought a bit of New Orleans with them. If you told me 10 years ago there would be panhandlers outside store fronts in Conway, AR I'd have told you, "you're crazy."
I lived in Fayetteville for 10 years, and absolutely loved it. I was hoping when we moved back to AR last year we'd be in NWA again, but the employment opportunities for our fields were hiring in LR, not NWA.
I'm rambling, here's some motivation/advertisement:
We get "snow" but after 3 years in OH, I'll take AR snow over OH snow anytime.