5/30/15 8:10 a.m.
It would appear that Photobucket is taking on the properties of malware more so than a photo -storage site. My laptop pretty much becomes a slug if I have Photobucket open while copying images to the place. The pop-ups and phising adds are out of control.
Is there a better place to park pictures?
5/30/15 9:20 a.m.
Imgur for semi-private controlled hosting. Flickr (ugh) for free galleries. Self hosting for the win! Lets you have a spiffy email address too.
Google Photos just launched in the last 24 hours.
smugmug is pretty good but not it's free
yea.. photobucket is really starting to go downhill fast.
Anything that's not Photobucket.
5/30/15 10:03 a.m.
kylini wrote:
Imgur for semi-private controlled hosting. Flickr (ugh) for free galleries. Self hosting for the win! Lets you have a spiffy email address too.
How does self hosting work?
5/30/15 10:59 a.m.
fritzsch wrote:
you could try Imgur
this … I gave up on photobucket a long time ago
I had it with photobucket well over a year ago... a friend opened a photo host for us (me mostly) -
If you want open you could set up your own tumblr page
5/30/15 11:49 a.m.
I have nothing to add except Photobucket has gone downhill in the last year or so. I even emailed them with a profanity laced message but no response.
I think I'm going to try Gameboy's suggestion and see what is involved with Google photo.
5/30/15 11:53 a.m.
Sorry for the hijack, just testing a google photo link.

^^^^^^^^ Google photo link
^^^^^^^^ Photobucket photo link
EDIT....this may take a few edits....
edit.. nope
edit.. still not working..
edit photobucket link works.. duh
edit.. try a different picture
edit try SFO method...
EDIT... for last time..
the SFO method works!
Swank Force One wrote:
I had to click on your picture to blow it up in gallery mode or whatever. Then right clicked on it, hit "view image." Then copied the resulting URL and put [IMG] tags around it.
I'm sure there's an easier way.
I'm sticking with photobuket until it becomes absolutely unusable. I've tried the others and hated them. I may try the google thing just to try it sometime.
5/30/15 12:12 p.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
How you do that?
I had to click on your picture to blow it up in gallery mode or whatever. Then right clicked on it, hit "view image." Then copied the resulting URL and put [IMG] tags around it.
I'm sure there's an easier way. 
Honestly i just use Flickr now. It's a little ponderous, but the gallery and tagging features are quite nice. Has huge space, and it's used pretty heavily by the photography community, which works in my favor.
It also provides hotlink URLs for you at the click of a button.
Quick example. I just went to my photostream, found a pic i wanted to share, clicked the arrow, selected "BBcode" copied that, and pasted here.
20150519_223017 by concealer404, on Flickr
I've transitioned to Flickr from Photobucket in the last year or so (though I can't be bothered to transfer all the old stuff over, since most of it was put there in order to post on one forum or the other, and I'm not going back and redoing nearly a decade's worth of links). Flickr isn't great, but it's better than Photobucket. I'm interesting in hearing about other alternatives, but it's critically important to me that I retain all rights to photos posted there, and can keep private what I want kept private.
If you're not using an ad blocker and a JavaScript control add-on in this day and age, you deserve to get malware.
That said, Photobucket is ponderously slow these days.
I cant be the only one that thought Photobucket started being a piece of E36 M3...oh, say, 5+ years ago....
I used imageshack for many years which was free, but then they pulled some things like, "oh, now you can only have 500 free photos", so i scrambled to backup my photos over that limit, and created a second free account to use. Then they reformatted the page and it was a pain in the ass. And then maybe wanted to start charging me. Cant remember.
I have been happy with flickr since. sometimes they reformat the page and its a pain to find image hotlinks (well they have always been sort of a pain in the ass) but it always works. always.

My ONE complaint with Flickr is that i can't acquire the hotlink URLs when i'm using the mobile app. I post a lot on this forum from my phone, and it'd be nice to be able to update my build threads from any of Android devices instead of having to wait until i get to work.
But that's some serious 1st world problems, because i find the app brilliant in every other way.
In reply to Swank Force One:
That alone is enough to keep me away from Flickr. Probably 98% of my build thread updating is done via android. The photobucket android app is decent once you learn it's quirks and can make it do what you want. But I agree fully that the desktop site is a steaming pile of E36 M3. It's actually so bad that if I'm going to do a long winded post I'll grab the urls on my phone and email them to myself so I don't have to visit the berkeleying desktop site.
I'll have to give the google photo a shot.