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OHSCrifle UberDork
10/10/23 8:06 p.m.

I hope Frenchy uses his newly available "free time" to finish his project car and show up at the challenge in the Black Jack Special II.

Minds will be blown.

(And I hope it isn't dementia)

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/10/23 8:26 p.m.

Mental health is important to talk about. 

My father had dementia. He lived with me the last 3 years of his life. We had good days and bad days, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's was one of the best experiences of my life. 

The truly terrifying part was the time before any of us were willing to admit he had dementia. The times neighbors found him unconscious on the floor dehydrated because he didn't know to eat and drink. The times in the hospital. The times he was lost wandering around his neighborhood. 

It was so much better when we stopped pretending and embraced both him and his illness. He and I would laugh together about his hallucinations. "That's one of my funny dreams again, isn't it?"  We made sure he ate healthy, and made his doctor's appointments. And I loved hearing his stories of the past. Some of them I had never heard before. Some never actually happened.  Doesn't matter. My time with my Dad was good.

My Dad would have died 3 years earlier if we had kept being stupid and unwilling to talk about his dementia. 

If you are ever concerned I may have symptoms of dementia or any other mental health disorder, please speak up. No matter how well you know me or don't. 

Toyman! MegaDork
10/11/23 8:25 a.m.

I suggested several times that he should sit down and talk to his wife about any meds he was on. He made a rather sudden transition from being fairly reasonable to being deaf to suggestions and information counter to his narrative. The more reasonable you were, the farther off-topic and out there he got. Any time someone seriously suggests replacing a full-size truck with a sedan as a work vehicle because it was a cheap EV, I have to wonder about how well their mental processes are working. 

The last several months were over the top. It's not just the misinformation, it's the constant domination of threads. He was the guy at the party who ran his mouth in such a way that no one could get a word in edgewise. Particularly in the EV threads. There would be pages where half the responses were from him and most of them would be unrealistic or just plain wrong. It got to the point that it wasn't worth wading through the blather from someone who doesn't even own an EV to find factual information. As someone who is very interested in factual information about EVs and interested in what people who actually own them have to say, that's a problem. If we had an ignore button I would have ignored him a long time ago.

Actions and behavior have consequences, sometimes those consequences are harsh. While I don't wish him any ill will, I won't miss him on here. His signal-to-noise ratio leaned heavily toward noise. 

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
10/11/23 9:06 a.m.

In reply to Toyman! :

He'll be back. 

Toyman! MegaDork
10/11/23 9:16 a.m.

In reply to SV reX :

I'm sure, and I don't really have a problem with that. Lessons were learned between his first foray into GRM and his second. Lessons that stuck for several years. 

Hopefully, he will realize that sometimes the most important thing you can say is nothing. 


AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
10/11/23 11:57 a.m.

So is my build thread gone for good?  Can it be recovered?  

I found this near me complete with FM sticker for a decent price, and was going to do an update.  

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
10/19/23 10:55 p.m.

Eight days later?  No additional information?  I find that frustrating since this is pretty much the one thing I was against.  

Now I'm trying to decide if attempts to make a new build thread would be worthwhile.  If non controversial posts will be removed en masse so easily, I'm not certain it is a good idea.  In effect I'd be saying this is all okay.  It's a slippery slope that leads to bad things.  I wonder how many more bad things the world must experience before people realize suppression of speech you don't like allows bad people to divide and manipulate society.  Oddly enough, I seem to be one of the few people against it,  

It makes me recall a thread here that had "misinformation" in the title that got deleted once time started to show there was at least partial truth in the "misinformation."  Discussing things and waiting before acting almost always leads to better results.

And for the record, no staff person ever contacted me about any transgressions.  Those e mails always asked if "we are being nice," and "are we okay?"  I have all those e mails.  They were very low key and non-specific,  

I freely admitted I could be nicer.  I still think I could be nicer.   I also asked who "we" is because I don't think everyone is being nice.  I think certain people and viewpoints have carte Blanche to be however they choose. 

And also all of my interactions with the staff here were courteous, cordial and professional on all sides.  I never expected deletion or banning, nor were those ever stated as a consequence.  What happened, just happened.  And then I asked about it. I was told it was being looked into.  Then all response went silent.  Now 8 days later, nada.  

I also offered to leave if asked by the staff that contacted me..  To date, no staff have asked me to leave.  That offer still stands.  

P.S.  The hardtop came with a FM decal too.  I will start refinishing it this weekend and wanted to stick this non controversial stuff in my silly little build thread.  

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