Honestly I don't care about it. My wife and her family make a big deal about it, my friends make a big deal out of it, customers make a big deal out of it, and FB people make a big deal out of it. It drives me nuts.
I know enough about them from things I've learned over the years. There are much more interesting sea creatures than sharks. They just aren't fascinating to me.

Meh, I don't get it either.
8/13/12 8:13 p.m.
I watched some fake mermaid show the other day on Discovery. What a crock of E36 M3. It was purely fictional story but made to appear like a real documentary.
While I can't be TOO judgmental because here I am on the interwebs, but people that get super worked up about shark week need to get outside more.
Many of those who do get worked up are worked up because they get out more.
If you're in the water much sharks enter your mind. It's one thing to poo-poo them while on dry land, it's another when you're in the water with something much more suited for the environment than you and with much fewer principles.
I'll still take shark week over:
1) Survivor
2) Jersey Shore
3) America's Got Talent
4) Dancing with the Stars
5) American Idol
6) Wipeout
7) Bachelor/Bachelorette
I have lived alongside the atlantic all my life. Been out sailing on it since I was a little kid.. only once did I see a shark (not a small dog fish shark) in it's native habitat. It was a smaller shark.. about 6 feet long.. lazily swimming on the surface 20 miles out at sea.
The first time I saw a shark while in the water was spear fishing.
There were 3 of us, at the moment I didn't have anything in my hands. The guy with the stringer of fish tried to hand them to me and the guy with the spear gun that also had a wriggling fish on it tried to hand it to me too. I didn't take either.
He was about an 8' Blacktip reef shark and he didn't pay us much attention. It was kind of cool watching him until he disappeared.
Then I felt shark everywhere.
Felt/saw (barely) a HUGE shark pass me by on a night dive once. I was down in the coral and that's where I stayed until time to get out of the water.
But Shark Week gets boring. They draw the shows out so much and try to make a big deal out of nothing.
8/13/12 9:03 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
If you're in the water much sharks enter your mind. It's one thing to poo-poo them while on dry land, it's another when you're in the water with something much more suited for the environment than you and with much fewer principles.
I did one night dive in puget sound...it definitely gives you a pause to see eyes reflecting your dive lights from fish that are too far away to make out.....knowing there's something out there and not knowing what it is will make your pulse race a bit.
8/13/12 9:30 p.m.
DoctorBlade wrote:
It's the bigger screen on that little computer you connect to the interwebs.
carguy123 wrote:
Many of those who do get worked up are worked up because they get out more.
If you're in the water much sharks enter your mind. It's one thing to poo-poo them while on dry land, it's another when you're in the water with something much more suited for the environment than you and with much fewer principles.
Oh man, solid theory. Too bad I grew up surfing and doing other beachy E36 M3 in New Smyrna Beach, the berkeleying shark bite capitol of the world. In the sample size that is my Facebook feed, it's almost without fail: People that spend time outdoors: no Sharkweek status. People that get freaked out by seaweed: OMG SHARKWEEK! Your results may differ.
Sharks are awesome. Sharkweek... basically the TV version of the McRib.
All I can tell you is that there are great whites out where I surf. Unfortunately one killed a surfer about three breaks up from where I surf.
The man in the grey suit does not berkeley around. Lately there has been a 14-16 footer in the La Jolla area where we snorkel.
I was doing one of those Dolphin dives and even knowing Dolphins were basically harmless to me when they swam up beside me it made my heart leap to my throat.
Also did a shark feeding dive. We sat motionless on the bottom while the guide fed the sharks. That did more to make me afraid of sharks than anything. It was clear evidence how at home they were in the water and how handicapped I was.
Sure glad there aren't land sharks!
8/13/12 11:12 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote:
The man in the grey suit does not berkeley around. Lately there has been a 14-16 footer in the La Jolla area where we snorkel.
Do they clang when you walk?
Seriously, that's hard core....critters I would not want to be around.
Don't get me wrong...I used to work in the tank at a local aquarium, so I'm not totally adverse to swimming with our cartilage-buddies, but that was some brown sharks and a lazy nurse shark. What you are talking about is on a whole different level.
Kow what's scarier than sharks?
Anything native to Australia.
I don't live in the water, I live on dry land. Everything that lives on dry land in Australia has evolved to be poisonous or murderous in some new and creative way.
Funnel-web spiders? F... that.
8/14/12 12:10 a.m.
rob_lewis wrote:
I'll still take shark week over:
1) Survivor
2) Jersey Shore
3) America's Got Talent
4) Dancing with the Stars
5) American Idol
6) Wipeout
7) Bachelor/Bachelorette
I don't watch a lot of TV, but I'll take something like Shark Week or Mega-Beasts any time.
8/14/12 12:34 a.m.
I like shark week because I work next to Discovery HQ and their building turns into "Chompy" for a month (my pic):

Today I learned that GRM is too hipster for sharks.
No really, my problem is the breathlessness of all the Discovery channel E36 M3. "Next, a shark attack you will never believe!" [30 hours of commercials] "And here's a shark attack that you will never believe!!" [20 hours of commercials] "And that's when the shark attacked and you won't believe it!!!" [10 hours of commercials] (5 seconds of grainy footage leading up to the attack but cuts away before the attack) [5 hours of commercials] (guy talking about his shark attack experience in overly dramatic terms) [2.5 hours of commercials]
I'd rather just watch shark bite videos on Youtube. I even skip away from the ones that are the Discovery videos. Too much commentary.