For those of you in Texas Big Tex has just burned to the ground. All they saved was his hands.
For those of you not in Texas, Big Tex has been the official mascot/spokesman/centerpiece for the State Fair since the 1930's.
I think it was because OU beat Texas so badly this year in the Cottonbowl.
Thats.. Just.. .. Horrible?
I'm pretty sure they can run down to Hobby Lobby and get enough Paper mache supplies to have him fixed up better than new in no time.
Only got to see it one time. Back in 1984 when I was up there for the Dallas Gran Prix.
I guess I should be sad about this, but after seeing "Big Tex" I can only feel relief...
In reply to GameboyRMH: Don't let the floundering fool you. Only the first pic is Big Tex.
I know but he's so creepy AAAGH HIS HEAD IS TOO SMALL O_O
Duke wrote:
That's cool, but I like this shot better:
wasn't he (big tex) in one of the episodes of king of the hill? :)....
Dallas News said:
Electrical short in Big Tex's boot blamed for fire that destroyed State Fair icon
There's a short in my boots!
(••) It looks like Tex, ( ••)>⌐□-□ , is toast (⌐□_□)
RexSeven wrote:
Dallas News said:
Electrical short in Big Tex's boot blamed for fire that destroyed State Fair icon
There's a short in my boots!
(•_•) It looks like Tex, ( •_•)>⌐□-□ , is toast (⌐□_□)
You sir owe me a keyboard.
Not a good day at the Fair. Now 24 people stuck 200' in the air for an hour and a half SO FAR on the Stratosphere swing ride.
Maybe I don't need to go to the fair this year.
Just found out this same ride has malfunctioned several times this summer at other state fairs. So far no one has been killed.
Boy that makes me feel secure.
10/20/12 8:29 a.m.
This is the reason why I always insist that all statues of me should be cast in bronze.
Woody wrote:
This is the reason why I always insist that all statues of me should be cast in bronze.
I'm holding out for solid gold idols of me.
I've heard that the "touchdown Jesus" has recently been renicknamed "five dollar foot long Jesus"
Thank you Heywood Banks