6/8/16 1:56 p.m.
I was about to buy a new Cateye bike computer, but then I started thinking about my phone (iPhone6).
Can anyone recommend a simple to use iPhone app that will work in place of a bike computer? My needs are very basic: time, speed, distance. I'm not a big fan of programming stuff beyond the scope of a Reset button or two.
Or any of the Headsup GPS speed apps available.
I use Ismoothrun- a few years ago, when I got it, it was the most accurate GPS app. Not free, but is easy to use.
Have you tried the Health app that's already on your iPhone? I've been pleasantly surprised with it.
Would you have your phone on your bike while riding? The big thing that keeps me from using my iphone is crashing and busting up the phone. I have a Bell computer on my bike that I bought for cheaper than a Cateye and it does the same things for just as good for a fraction of the price. If I bust up the Bell computer, i'm not worried about it.
Strava is great for tracking average speed, distance, etc, but I wouldn't ride with it on the bars for the reason 92dxman mention.
I carry my phone in my bag in a tough case and with airplane mode and Strava turn on can still get 8-10 hours out of the phone, longer than I'm riding, that's for sure.
92dxman wrote:
Would you have your phone on your bike while riding? The big thing that keeps me from using my iphone is crashing and busting up the phone. I have a Bell computer on my bike that I bought for cheaper than a Cateye and it does the same things for just as good for a fraction of the price. If I bust up the Bell computer, i'm not worried about it.
I always run / ride with my phone. On the bike I wear a cycling jersey with pockets on the back. The phone is very secure in the back pocket. If you're exercising by yourself (like I usually do), it's a good idea to have the phone in case of trouble.
I too use MapMyRide - the free version. It works well and does exactly what you're asking for. I like the fact it stores a history of my rides, and also shows your average speed mile-by-mile. It doesn't appear to track elevation(or wind, obviously) so it's calorie calculation is pretty much a WAG as far as I can tell.
Strava, Runkeeper, Endomondo, and Wahoo. Wahoo has a surprisingly good dashboard view, and will let you upload to your Strava and or Runkeeper accounts.
I wouldn't worry about breaking it. I've mountain biked with my phone strapped to one arm for years and never damaged it, despite some pretty epic wrecks. I will say that an iphone will shut down if you are using it in sub 20 degree weather for a while, where other bikeputers may work fine.
I use the free RunKeeper, as it tracks all kinds of distance-covering activities. I have found that the distance error is consistently about +2.5%, ie when I've traveled 10 miles it says I've gone 10.25 miles, so I have to bake that into my pace target for each run.
AngryCorvair wrote:
I use the free RunKeeper, as it tracks all kinds of distance-covering activities. I have found that the distance error is consistently about +2.5%, ie when I've traveled 10 miles it says I've gone 10.25 miles, so I have to bake that into my pace target for each run.
A note here... on a bike, especially mountain biking, the distance will be off by something like -20% sometimes. Depends how tight the trail is. Early last year I did a 44.5 mile ride and recorded like 36 miles on Runkeeper.
Also a note for training rides where I want audio cues, Wahoo and Runkeeper work best. Wahoo has more options, Runkeeper has some, but Strava won't do them unless you have a paid account.
Yeah, I think MapMyRide or Strava is the answer here.
I've been using Strava for about a year now, free version, and mostly been happy with it. For my obsessive training needs I used to use it with a Garmin GPS watch so I could track power, heart rate,a and so on, but now I've gotten lazier and just run it on my phone. Plus the instant gratification factor is cool too, within seconds of finishing my ride I can save and analyze the ride and any segments I or someone else created along the route. Getting home, firing up the laptop and downloading the GPS or power tap seems like so much work now....