Did you know that the French Canadian translation for Black Friday is Vendredi fou? That means "crazy Friday". Pretty much sums it up.
So a big thumbs up to REI for closing their stores on the day after Thanksgiving. And to the state of Colorado for offering free entry into state parks on Black Friday.
Resist the shopping frenzy!
Keith Tanner wrote:
And to the state of Colorado for offering free entry into state parks on Black Friday.
NC is doing this too.
Also the other 364 days of the year.
I worked retail for 12 years. The only day hated more than black Friday, was the day after Christmas. We made good money, but the people you have to deal with, really aren't worth it.
We are closed. I will be hanging with the family and making liver pudding.
Black Friday was a bit of a shock when I moved to the states. In 2001, there was nothing like it in Canada, a starting gun for six weeks of frantic marketing and shopping. Sure, there were sales and stuff on the approach to Christmas, but it didn't start as early or as abruptly. I hate it. And customers are trained to expect deals, so they start devaluing your products and asking for special pricing. It's a bit of an insult if you're involved in designing the stuff.
And who else takes the "everything in store 40% off!" sales as an admission that they're blatantly overcharging by 40% for the rest of the year? I'm looking at you, Eddie Bauer.
Thankfully, we're closed on Friday. And while we're having an inventory reduction sale right now (a first in 15 years), I didn't want to because of the time of year. I didn't want to be part of that.
I'll probably spend the day working on either the Westfalia or the Targa Miata.
Black Friday.. I am working Earth Wind and Fire.
While not the easiest band to work with, it certainly beats dealing with people trying to get at that "deal"
rampant consumerism......isn't that what the holidays are all about?
Were open, no deals but will still likely be busy. The worst black friday ive experienced was in 05. I worked for TLE in wal mart. Never ever again will i be within a mile of walmart in that day.
11/25/15 2:03 p.m.
I work in a grocery store, I was expecting today to be crazy but it hasn't been. I might do some 7am shopping for some of the small ticket items. Then work 9-3.
Joe Gearin wrote:
rampant consumerism......isn't that what the holidays are all about?
I hate to say it, but I really don't like Christmas. I like the day of, getting to give stuff to the kids and such, but I hate having to come up with ideas of stuff I want... I don't want people to feel like they need to buy me something! Money can be tight, and for someone to spend their hard earned 20 bucks on me doesn't feel right. This year we are trying to give the gift of time, not stuff. Instead of buying my sister some dumb socks or something, I will likely take her to the zoo or a museum or something.
And I'm tired of mouth breathers telling me "it's ok to say merry Christmas" when I wish them "happy holidays". I know it's ok, but just in case you aren't a Christian, I still hope you have a happy holiday season, whatever you do or do not beleive.
In reply to joey48442:
If they insist, I tell them stuff I actually need.....which means I still get useless clothing I'll never wear without gift receipts. 
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
In reply to joey48442:
If they insist, I tell them stuff I actually need.....which means I still get useless clothing I'll never wear without gift receipts.
That's such a bummer:( not only are they spending money on me I don't want them to spend, but it seems like a waste all around.
11/25/15 8:35 p.m.
In reply to joey48442:
I can't plus one you more than once, but I would.
I agree. I'd love to do a Christmas where everyone busts out the finger paints, (adults get their beverages), and the only gift is everyone makes a painting for someone else.
I'm ok with doing a small present session for immediate family, but presents can get excessive.
In reply to Robbie:
Totally agree! Finger paint Christmas ftw!
American Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
No religious slant, all are included and at the root it is about getting family together for dinner.
There is little blatant consumerism associated with Thanksgiving other than a push of Turkey and pies.
The day before Thanksgiving is the busiest grocery store day of the year.
Also the day before is the busiest pizza day of the year, more than Super Bowl .
Reason seems to be that since everyone is cooking Thursday, they'll just order out on Weds.
I am offended by the sales that are now on Thursday.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
American Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
Same here. Family, food, and football. What's not to like?
Black Friday is just stupid. It's all about "shopping as sport", being willing to get up early or even camp out just to be able to say you saved a few bucks. Besides, the deals online are just as good these days. I'll be taking advantage of Best Buy's sale price on the PS4, from the comfort of my home. You couldn't pay me to do battle with those crowds by actually going to the store.
My wife was hiding behind a door when they gave out the shopping gene. Thank God. We'll enjoy a quiet day at home. Everybody gets gift cards for Xmas. A great invention. No waste, and no shopping anxiety.
Yep, I'm at work. Because so many people are lining up to buy Porsche/Audi/Land Rover parts today...
11/27/15 10:35 a.m.
People look at me like I'm the anti-Christ when I tell them I hate Christmas. It's such a bogus event, completely warped by the retail industry and manipulates people through guilt into buying things they can't afford – most of which the recipient doesn't need or want anyway. I especially despise advertising aimed at children.
If we did away entirely with that aspect of it, make it about getting together with people, sharing good times, good food, music... then it would actually be the event that all the cleverly crafted, emotionally-manipulative advertising spots make it out to be.
Joe Gearin wrote:
rampant consumerism......isn't that what the holidays are all about?
Buy buy BUY!!!!!! Must Consume MOAR!!!!! COMSUME aLL TeH THINGS!!!!!
Just talked with Mrs. Orphancars about this very topic yesterday. I'd rather she gets me something small and thoughtful and from the heart than a flatscreen TV or something that was just "on sale". It means more to me that you thought about me and got me something small and nice rather than something that you had to battle crowds to get just because MegaLoMart had it on sale.