i refuse to watch that movie on basic cable... they take out or dub over all the best stuff. not only do they take out the most important word in the movie every time it comes up, but they even remove the sound effects from the campfire scene...
novaderrik wrote: i refuse to watch that movie on basic cable... they take out or dub over all the best stuff. not only do they take out the most important word in the movie every time it comes up, but they even remove the sound effects from the campfire scene...
Times two. That movie is actually a very powerful anti racism story, but removing the racial slurs takes that power away. Then its just a western spoof.
I guess I can sorta understand glossing over the N word, but removing the campfire scene sound effects? Makes me glad I have the uncensored version on DVD.
Curmudgeon wrote: I guess I can sorta understand glossing over the N word, but removing the campfire scene sound effects? Makes me glad I have the uncensored version on DVD.
nope.. without that word, the movie is just a series of silly jokes. that word is the main point of the movie- it's what gives it most of it's meaning. it has to be there.
Taggart! Where's my ducky?
"Not that anyone was disagreeing, but in his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel last night, Mel Brooks explained that the movie that gave us “where da white women at?”, “Kansas City fagg*ts“, and “you said rape twice,” probably couldn’t have been made today. Yeah, no kidding. But what do we care? We’ve got Seltzer/Friedberg now.
When we had a preview [of Blazing Saddles], there were two guys, there was John Calley, and there was a guy running the studio. Ted Ashley – who was in charge of Warner Bros. We had a preview, and the crowd went crazy, everyone loved it. And afterwards, he grabs me by the collar and shoves me into an office. And he says, “Okay, here’s a legal pad, here’s a pencil, take these notes.” He says, “N-word, OUT! We don’t say it. No punching a horse. Around the campfire, cut out the farting… You can’t punch an old lady. Lily von Schtupp and the black sheriff… you can’t – OUT. ”
So, I said “Yes, sir, it’s gone. You come here tomorrow, and it’s all out of the movie.” He leaves, and I crunch it up, and I go all the way across the room and I put it in the waste basket. John Calley says “Nice filing!”
I had final cut, so what did I care?
And that, kiddies, is why Mel Brooks is one of comedy’s greatest heros. You can take our n-words, farts, and horse punching when you pry them from our cold, wanking hands."
"Hold it! Next man makes a move, the n** gets it!"
"Oh lawdy, he desp'rit! Do what he say, do what he say!!!"
Jim: Uh-oh, Bart. I think Mongo here's taken a liking to you.
Mongo: Huh-huh, naw, Mongo straight.
[Taggart spots Bart and Charlie on a hand-cart sinking into quicksand]
Taggart: Oh, E36 M3. Quicksand!
[Lassos the hand-cart and drags it but not the men out of the quicksand]
Taggart: Dang, that was lucky. Doggone near lost a four hundred dollar handcar.
Gabby Johnson: the sheriff is a ni(BONG)
some other Johnson: what?
yet another Johnson: he said the sheriff is near
Gabby Johnson: no, dangnabbit- i said the sheriff is a ni(BONG)...
we dont need no stinking badges.
Funny thing happened this summer when a young african-american(or whatever is now politically correct) opened a barber shop up the street this office and during a conversation with the liquor store mgr next door, me and Hamp(aint america great when your law office has all the basics nearby), he said that he had never seen the movie. We told him that we would have to cure that problem and I brought him my DVD. He didnt realize how much of pop culture came from that movie. Next to Animal House, it is one of the most important movies of my day.
novaderrik wrote: i refuse to watch that movie on basic cable... they take out or dub over all the best stuff. not only do they take out the most important word in the movie every time it comes up, but they even remove the sound effects from the campfire scene...
"I think he said 'the sheriff is near'."
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