Much to my chagrin I have no pics, except the ones in my head.
I came home the other night to find a brand new newborn fawn beside my driveway. It was still wet and couldn't walk. Mama was, of course, gone. Deer apparently just drop them as they are eating and don't realize it for a while so they back track to find them.
I was very careful letting my dogs out that evening and there was no drama.
Typically when we see one like that it's long gone the next day, but apparently that didn't happen. We never saw the fawn again, but the next morning when my wife let my dog out the dog walked to the corner of the house and just stopped. That's usually a sign she's seen deer, turkey or whatever, but this time suddenly she turned and ran back towards my wife which has never happened.
Hot on her heals was Mama deer. They ran round and round the yard and my wife said she was laughing so hard she thought she'd cry.
The dog was fast, but wasn't making smart choices about where she was running so my wife opened the door to the house and began calling the dog. She never thought that the deer might follow her into the house.
Maddie, the dog, headed towards the house but decided to take refuge under and behind some chairs on the front porch which made it game over with the deer being the winner.
I woke up to screams!! Lots of them. It was a sound I'd never heard before I couldn't figure out who was screaming. Before I could get to the door I hear a crash.
When I got to the door all I could see was my wife tangled up in a chair on my porch moaning. So naturally I thought she was the one screaming, and then the dog crawled out from under the wreckage. She greeted my as if nothing were wrong, bounding around saying "Ohh, you're up Daddy! I'm so glad to see you!! Come play withe me." which really made me wonder what had been happening.
When I got my wife up off the floor she was moaning and laughing all at the same time. And she kept saying "You shoulda seen it! If I'd have had my camera we'd be rich!"
She was talking about the deer chasing the dog around the yard, not the carnage that ensued afterwards.
It seems that the deer had proceeded to beat the crap out of the dog with her 2 front feet and my wife had run towards her with the intention of body blocking the deer off the dog and had hit a chair first.
The dog was unhurt and didn't even seem to have any sore spots, but my wife is now going to have to have knee surgery