So we are looking at some property to build a shouse (
) on but there is a small creek that we need to cross to get to the best building spot. I have been doing some looking at options and already have a call into the Corp of Engineers. Here is the creek.

The second picture is about the widest part. It is right next to a good sized hill that you can see in the background. I would need to cross that hill and then the creek to get to where I want to build. Anyone know anything about this?
Also, I found a place in Arkansas that sells old train flat cars that would work but that is $225/foot. The heaviest load will be getting the concrete trucks in and out for pouring the slab. What say ye?
Just dam it, that creek deserves to be eliminated. 
How full does it get, you could bury a load bearing pipe at about 1 1/2 - 3 foot diameter and just build a earthen road over the top of it for next to nothing.
WOW Really Paul? wrote:
Just dam it, that creek deserves to be a micro hydroelectric generation station.
Fixed that for you.
BTW, the load bearing pipe will probably be the easiest and least costly option.
You may not be able to pipe a creek without a permit from the COE. You can bridge it.
12/18/15 5:48 p.m.
Where is the high water mark? The right side looks like flood plain and the flood line on the left looks like it could be as much as 5" up the bank.
What do insurance companies have to say about flood damage to "your" bridge?
Any liability issues with having a bridge?
Here they would call for a riparian study, spend two weeks in hip waders looking for frogs, write a 200 page report and then confiscate all the land within 100 feet of the high water mark. The usual approach therefore is to roll a culvert in there on a Saturday morning and dump a couple loads of road mulch on top. Then ask forgiveness if you get caught.
What, me bitter? Noooo.....
I am not a huge fan of the forgiveness route when the government is involved. We are going to look some more tomorrow. I will let you know.
It isn't a "navigable waterway" so I say just do the 3' pipe and cover routine.
In reply to KyAllroad:
Ok, hope the Corp agrees.
I plainly see a brook trout rising in the second photo, no bridge and no construction or land maintenance within 250ft of the stream.
There's a local farm that has a mobile home setup straddling a medium-sized stream about 8' in the air...that doesn't directly help your quandary, but I expect it does make a pretty handy hunting/fishing spot.
12/18/15 8:36 p.m.
singleslammer wrote:
Also, I found a place in Arkansas that sells old train flat cars that would work but that is $225/foot. The heaviest load will be getting the concrete trucks in and out for pouring the slab. What say ye?
You are overlooking the added bonus of owning your own train car.
12/18/15 8:46 p.m.
How far past the creek do you want to build?
3' pipe won't handle the flow in heavy rains.
NOT A TA wrote:
3' pipe won't handle the flow in heavy rains.
Looking at the banks I'm guessing a 3 foot pipe will technically handle the flow, but the water velocity coming through will make a mess of the dirt around the entry and exit. Think 3 foot fire hose. 
12/19/15 6:05 a.m.
I see two options. (1) Just add some dirt ramps on either side. (2) A trip to the local lumber yard and build a bridge.

I am planning at least 150 ft off the creek. What about two 3' pipe? I can get a pair of 8' concrete culverts for $300.
For a while when I was younger the state was giving away old historic trellis bridges to anyone who would use them when they were replaced to keep them from being scrapped. You may want to call around.
I based my simple "No, 3' pipe won't work" answer on what I see in the pic and experience.
You'll need a topographic map of the upstream area to determine the watershed for the stream. Contact an engineer to determine the requirements for a 100 year storm then formulate a plan. Google "100 year flood plain". Check to see if any part of the property and if/what building regulations are affected by inland wetlands laws that may pertain to that waterway. Find out if flood insurance will be required.
Small steams can become real problems. There's more involved than many people think. Make sure the elevation of the home is much higher than the expected flood height of the stream. And consider potential problems if the home will have a septic system requiring perk tests etc. that would be in the flood plain. General rule of thumb, "Build on high ground".
Well, we walked the property again today and there is basically no feasable way to get a road over that hill to where the bridge would have to go. Oh well. It was just so nice back there that I got carried away. Thanks for the input gang. Off to look at other property.
12/19/15 11:42 a.m.
You will likely need permits at the local, state and perhaps federal levels. It will be much easier permitting wise if you stay out of the ordinary high water and or flood level (ie no pipe or culvert). If an old rail car has enough span it may be the cheapest option. Start with your local city or county planning department.
ncjay wrote:
I see two options. (1) Just add some dirt ramps on either side. (2) A trip to the local lumber yard and build a bridge.
That was going to be my suggestion, too.
How wide is that creek? Many Uhaul box trucks have a really cool aluminum floor. An old nearly dead uhaul could donate its entire rear frame and floor for an instant bridge. You could even leave a few feet of the lower walls to have a sides. It's a really good thing I don't live in the country.