3/6/19 10:20 a.m.
I know we have some really long build threads on here. And often the pictures of the car on the first page are nothing like the current version of the car. and on top of that it can sometimes be hard to find the most recent page that has current pics of the whole car.
So what about being able to upload a single image per thread that would be the 'current' look of the car. the forum could even use a downsized version of that image for a thumbnail in the build threads list and various other places.
Seems like it could be cool to have a place for the how the car (or other thing you are building) currently looks. Thoughts?
p.s. can we use the 'garage' for this? I haven't done much in my forum 'garage'.
I'd second something like this...unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath. Not like we've got a team of developers waiting for our suggestions.
It's a good reminder of the forum garage function...I haven't put any effort into that and I probably should.
You could also try to establish a standard where the OP posts a current pic of the car in the first post and updates it regularly.
That's what we do for the race series in Simulation Central, so the current standings are always in the first post.
There is also the problem that build threads that have been around a while seem to have lost their early pictures for one reason or another.
3/7/19 12:29 p.m.
I have always updated the first post with current pics. The last one included data that was dated to show the progression (and regression) of the project. It can be time consuming and it wasn't always consistent but it really helped me, also. It really helps put everything into perspective.
I've always done the build on a car specific forum but plan on running a tandem thread here in a couple of months as it is more extreme and will fit well here; X 1/9 on steroids. It will also involve building an unusual garage with lift capabilities.