I've been thinking about building my own camper shell, or rather, just a high top contractor cap.
My truck, a 2006 Tundra, for whatever reason is a rarity when it comes to availability of utility/contractor style aluminum canopy shells. Not to mention that I'd like a "high top" variant...and with some custom options (a window that swing in from the cab). To buy what I want new I'm looking at $2000 or more.
It has been suggested by some that instead of TIG with gas or MIG with Aluminum Spool Gun, that I instead try brazing with torch and aluminum/zinc rods. The advantage being that it's cheap and will allow me to more easily experiment with construction techniques while building the canopy, and not get so caught up on merely learning to use a welder.
My worry is that without much penetration, this style of construction will be pretty weak.
Of course the other options to build the shell frame out of 1x1 steel square tubing, which should be cheaper for both materials and welding equipment. It will just take some thought to keep it from being a 500lbs mass of steel.