So I inherited this book from my uncle because everyone knows I'm the car nerd. It's a neat piece of memorabilia, but I was wondering what something this is worth.
As far as I can tell, this was never for sale, it was provided to those on the Fiero team. It's black and white an full-color, and has the name of every team member that was involved. My uncle wasn't on the team, but I think he held a patent or two that was used. I suspect that's why he got it.
I've searched every way I can think of and can't find anything about it online. Any help would be great.

Would you just look at this hair!!!

Not a Fiero fan necessarily, the post was losing me, then those glorious Hall & Oates pictures brought me right back in. While I lived through the 80's as a small child, I feel let down by not being older and getting more of the 80's experience. Their glorious mullets would have fit better had it been a (bitchin') Camaro.
My guess is there is a Fiero nerd out there somewhere who would pay real money (maybe $100) for this book.
bigbrainonbrad said:
My guess is there is a Fiero nerd out there somewhere who would pay real money (maybe $100) for this book.
Good guess, one sold for $106 US on eBay Canada last month. The listing did not include a photo of the glorious hair of Hall and Oates so it obviously could have gone for more.
Pennock’s Fiero Forum would probably be able to tell you more about it, or at least get you some premium offers.
Thanks Kieth and racerfink!!!