914Driver SuperDork
1/20/12 9:58 a.m.

914Driver SuperDork
1/20/12 10:01 a.m.

914Driver SuperDork
1/20/12 10:05 a.m.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
1/20/12 10:07 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
4cylndrfury wrote: unrelated to page 2

Rob_Mopar Dork
1/20/12 10:10 a.m.

I dig most old cars but the Mopars are what follow me home. Wouldn't mind an AMX someday.

My family never had much luck with Ford but have known plenty of people who did. I owned a couple Chevys in my younger days and one Suby. Went back to Mopar after that.

Tom Heath
Tom Heath Web Manager
1/20/12 10:12 a.m.
914Driver wrote:

I heart that Dart.

I heart this Dart, too.

oldsaw SuperDork
1/20/12 10:14 a.m.

ST_ZX2 HalfDork
1/20/12 10:24 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: If you wanted to get girls, you flew a P-51. If you wanted to come home, you flew a P-47.


"...Early in the morning forty-eight Thunderbolts took off from the advanced base at Manston. Having previously been criticized for going off on his own, this morning Johnson resolved to stay in formation. The three squadrons of the 56th Fighter Group were all up: the 61st (Johnson's), 62nd, and 63rd. Before the mission, Johnson felt the cold fear that he always felt, and which he was able to channel into higher alertness. They flew up, over the Channel, into France, and soon spotted sixteen Fw-190s. Before Johnson could communicate or coordinate with his flight, he was hit. 20mm cannon shells ripped through his plane, smashing the canopy, punching holes in the plane, and inspiring in Johnson an overwhelming urge to bail out. More explosions smashed the plane, and Johnson's frantic "Mayday!" calls drew no response. Fire began to envelope the cockpit.

The Thunderbolt spun crazily out of his control and the twisted and jammed canopy frame resisted his repeated, superhuman, full-body efforts to open it. As he struggled vainly with the canopy, the engine fire miraculously went out, but he could hardly see, as oil spewed back from the battered engine. He tried to squeeze out through the broken glass of the canopy, but the opening was just too small for both him and his chute. Trapped inside the P-47, he next decided to try to crash-land and evade. He turned the plane south, toward Spain - the recommended evasion route. After struggling with hypoxia and hallucinations(?), his thoughts came back into focus and he realized that the aircraft was still flying fairly well. He headed back for England, counting on his high altitude to help him make a long, partially-powered glide back home.

The instrument panel was shattered. The wind constantly blew more oil and hydraulic fluid into his cut up face and eyes. He had neglected to wear his goggles that morning, and any attempt to rub his eyes burned worse than ever. He and his plane were horribly shot up, but incredibly he was still alive. He made for the Channel, desperate to escape the heavily defended enemy territory.

Swiveling constantly, he froze in horror as he spotted a plane approaching him, an Fw-190, beautifully painted in blue with a yellow cowling. Johnson was totally helpless, and just had to wait for the German to get him in his sights and open up. The German closed in, taking his time with the crippled American fighter. Johnson hunched down behind his armor-plated seat, to await the inevitable. The German opened up, spraying the plane with 30-caliber machine gun fire, not missing, just pouring lead into the battered Thunderbolt. Johnson kicked his rudder left and right, slowing his plane to a crawl, and fired back as the German sped out in front of him.

The Focke-Wulf easily avoided the gunfire from the half-blinded Johnson, and circled back, this time pulling level with him. The pilot examined the shattered Thunderbolt all over, looking it up and down, and shook his head in mystification. He banked, pulled up behind Johnson again, and opened up with another burst. Somehow the rugged Republic-built aircraft stayed in the air. The German pulled alongside again, as they approached the southern coast of the Channel. Still flying, Johnson realized how fortunate it was that the German found him after his heavy 20mm cannons were empty.

As they went out over the Channel, the German get behind and opened up again, but the P-47 kept flying. Then he pulled up alongside, rocked his wings in salute, and flew off, before they reached the English coast. Johnson had survived the incredible, point-blank machine gun fire, but still had to land the plane. He contacted Mayday Control by radio, who instructed him to climb if he can. The battered plane climbed, and after more communication, headed for his base at Manston. Landing was touch and go, as he had no idea if the landing gear would work. The wheels dropped down and locked and he landed safely."


Brett_Murphy Dork
1/20/12 10:28 a.m.





Streetwiseguy SuperDork
1/20/12 10:56 a.m.

"Just two good ol boys, never meaning no harm...


Wally SuperDork
1/20/12 11:08 a.m.

Appleseed SuperDork
1/20/12 11:15 a.m.

Appleseed SuperDork
1/20/12 11:15 a.m.

For EastCoastMojo:

Appleseed SuperDork
1/20/12 11:18 a.m.

MG Bryan
MG Bryan HalfDork
1/20/12 11:20 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed:

I would have though someone would go with the "titty sprinkles" hotlinks. Being buried under a patio can't be that bad.

slantvaliant Dork
1/20/12 11:29 a.m.

All-aluminum Hyperpak Slant Six:

RX Reven'
RX Reven' HalfDork
1/20/12 11:29 a.m.

Repost but it's just too good to let slip away...

4cylndrfury SuperDork
1/20/12 12:04 p.m.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
1/20/12 12:06 p.m.

WHaaaats the deal with people hotlinking my pics?

fastEddie SuperDork
1/20/12 1:00 p.m.
Rob_Mopar wrote: You're a good man 914Driver

More pics from Midway State Park, NY

MG Bryan
MG Bryan HalfDork
1/20/12 1:11 p.m.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
1/20/12 1:50 p.m.

stroker HalfDork
1/20/12 2:14 p.m.
slantvaliant wrote: All-aluminum Hyperpak Slant Six:


914Driver SuperDork
1/20/12 2:18 p.m.

Thanks Eddie. Similar idea executed by someone that knows what they're doing.



914Driver SuperDork
1/20/12 2:43 p.m.

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