Imagine the mischief these two would have had together ...

5/10/13 3:22 p.m.
Whoa! whoa! whoa! slow down there, cowboy.
Man. I'm glad I'm not in to soap operas.
5/10/13 3:46 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Man. I'm glad I'm not in to soap operas.
I just did a google image search for "plus eleventy billion" and came up with many many images, none of which were visibly related to "plus eleventy billion". So, here's my favorite:

What the hell is up with all the F1 crap?
Apparently it's like the European version of NASCAR...from what I can tell.
DoctorBlade wrote:
What the hell is up with all the F1 crap?
What the hell is up with out the mandatory -hotlinking action?