OK, that'll do for now. It's up to the rest of you to keep this near the top of the 1st page or I'll have to start over again.
Gasoline wrote:
The classic case of talent, mechanical and body work ability in abundance but a total lack of aesthetic taste! Just like this old gem.
Gasoline wrote:
The classic case of talent, mechanical and body work ability in abundance but a total lack of aesthetic taste! Just like this old gem.
Gasoline wrote:
The classic case of talent, mechanical and body work ability in abundance but a total lack of aesthetic taste! Just like this old gem.
Anyone know anything about this car? I know the body is part of a Sabrejet which is pretty stinkin' cool
Swank Force One wrote:
OK, WTF is it, I ASSume it's a global rally cross car, but how come no top? Also Rally America no longer runs GRC so it must be a couple of years old?
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