RexSeven wrote:
I'm not a "stance" fan by any stretch, but this 142 makes me weak at the knees.
Forgive me GRM brethren for I have sinned, lead astray by the unscrupulous RexSeven I typethed the words 'Saab' and 'Stance' in thy purveyor of all that is sick and twisted and came to thy unholy 'Stancework'

Those wheels could actually work in a different color.

5/23/14 1:35 p.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Forgive me GRM brethren for I have sinned, lead astray by the unscrupulous RexSeven I typethed the words 'Saab' and 'Stance' in thy purveyor of all that is sick and twisted and came to thy unholy 'Stancework'
You are forgiven, for that shiz looks awesome.
I just bought one of these:

Commemorative Edition. #65/314. Woo.
Who needs a anti-personnel, anti-aircraft, anti-vehicle, anti-zombie, home defense rifle?

Now only $35k! It's a small price to pay for peace of mind! (and piece[s] of the vehicles, aircraft and buildings that might be threatening your domicile)

Ditchdigger wrote:
I forget how many GRMers are in Florida
A lot of these make sense.
IN: one of the larger suburban areas of Indianapolis is the City of Avon
TN: Graceland duh
AR: Walmart headquarters is in Bentonville
NM: Roswell
AK: I'm sure it gets lonely and there probably is a very high ratio of men:women

Nice Swedes. 1985 (I think) Canadian nation rally champion:

5/24/14 12:49 a.m.
1986 actually and Bo can still peddle a Volvo pretty impressively!
He ran car 99 a couple of years ago at Tall Pines and he can still run pretty quick.
Not him but pic anyway: