On my local area I can click "include nearby areas", I can even see other States. Is it possible to set it up so a specific item is searched nation wide?
I sold a car once to a guy from Colorado; he saw the ad, flew 2,000 miles and showed up with cash and a U-Haul w/trailer. He said he got notified by email when one popped up, he's a collector. You know how to do that?
Thanx, Dan
9/12/19 7:32 a.m.
Searchtempest.com will cast a much wider net for you, but those notification emails are beyond my skill set.
Searchtempest returns links even if there are no hits and that is annoying.
I use Google like we have to do here
site:craigslist.org "search phrase"
You will get expired pages in there but it is effective and faster than searchtempest
So, you can actually run a RSS feed searching for specific things. I’ve never seen it be available nationwide but you could set it up for multiple areas that would net a decent amount.
Search craigslist adhunter
Google search "site:Craigslist.org"
I like searchtempest too. Not sure it facilitates emails though.
If you have an Android phone, t the app IFTT (If This, Then That) can run craigslist searches and email them to you when they appear. Works quite well.