Ask yourselves this question, and then answer yourself honestly and objectively:
If a thief KNEW that if he were to be caught in the act at a certain location that he would, with 100% certainty, be critically injured or killed, how likely would it be that he would still choose tom hit that location?
2/4/17 10:56 a.m.
WildScotsRacing wrote:
Ask yourselves this question, and then answer yourself honestly and objectively:
If a thief KNEW that if he were to be caught in the act at a certain location that he would, with 100% certainty, be critically injured or killed, how likely would it be that he would still choose tom hit that location?
Moot point. He doesn't know that, and if one builds enough of a reputation that he might, one has a good chance of ending up in prison. Worth it?
2/4/17 12:09 p.m.
We regularly have people put signs that say things like "Bait Car Do Not Steal!" on our cars.
People still steal them.
In reply to Ojala:
So, are they actually bait cars?
2/4/17 12:47 p.m.
In reply to WildScotsRacing:
I see people shoot up with heroin regularly knowing it has a very good chance of killing them.
In reply to Wall-e:Yeah. But do you get the same high from stealing a car with a gun trained on you and a dog reaching for your soft tissue? 
2/4/17 1:28 p.m.
In reply to WildScotsRacing:
Yup with gps, audio, video, and everything.
The following musical composition by Zack Wylde perfectly sums up my feelings toward thieves of any sort. Enjoy! Hate Your Guts
2/5/17 9:40 a.m.
A few years ago our neighborhood had some teens go on a car arson spree. One of the fires came close to spreading to someone's house (at night with the family sound asleep).
Clifton car arsons
I still don't know why, but they probably didn't do it for the money. Boredom and the rush of getting away with it is my guess. It just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they should have taken up base jumping if they were looking for a thrill. I can almost understand someone stealing in order to survive, but wanton destruction that puts someone else's life at risk is just stupid.
This past summer i finally had too start locking my car doors after someone stole a cheap pocketknife, a dollar flashlight and 3 packs of batterys out of my center console. They werent very bright since the change in the ashtray is more then what they did take was worth. Im very pro gun and would not hesitate too use one if my wife or kids were in danger, but i cant see myself going outside and shooting someone over stuff in my vehicles. I just filed a police report and moved on with my life.