So apparently some conservatives have got their panties in a bunch over the villain in Cars 2 being Big Oil. I don't really know what else to say except for: Really???
Cars 2 is bombing, review wise. I figured as much, what with the heavy billing of Larry the Cable Guy's character, and all the product tie-in commercials.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
It seems that everything can become a political argument thread.
Gee I didn't think anything about big oil being a villian. Has there ever been a film when Big Oil was the hero?
6/23/11 10:53 p.m.
I was surprised that the first one did well. I thought the ending would have pissed off all the NASCAR-loving parents. Teaching kids that being nice is better than winning certainly would not appeal to fans of Dale.
Osterkraut wrote:
Cars 2 is bombing, review wise. I figured as much, what with the heavy billing of Larry the Cable Guy's character, and all the product tie-in commercials.
Yeah, the first one tanked according to the critics, but was a major cash cow. It's not going to be a $85 million dollar opening weekend blockbuster, it's going to do as well as any other animated film, but the real cash is going to flow with merchandise.
All that matters is that my nephew thinks it's boring, which means I have no idea what kind of toy to buy him for x-mas this year. DAMN COMMIES
6/23/11 11:05 p.m.
John Brown wrote:
carguy123 wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Has there ever been a film when Big Oil was the hero?
There will be blood!
MILKSHAKE. I loved that movie.
6/23/11 11:11 p.m.
GIANT with james dean. Well, I guess small oil was the hero
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Osterkraut wrote:
Cars 2 is bombing, review wise. I figured as much, what with the heavy billing of Larry the Cable Guy's character, and all the product tie-in commercials.
Yeah, the first one tanked according to the critics, but was a major cash cow. It's not going to be a $85 million dollar opening weekend blockbuster, it's going to do as well as any other animated film, but the real cash is going to flow with merchandise.
Which is pretty much the big reason why "Cars" got a sequel. I like the attention to detail Pixar puts into the "Cars" franchise in regards to gearhead Easter eggs, but take that away and "Cars 1" was only an OK movie, esp. compared to the rest of the Pixar films. Oh well, I guess you can't swing 1.000 forever.
I guess I am the only person who LIKED Cars.
Same here. ^
Then again, I was like 12 when it came out...
6/23/11 11:45 p.m.
Naw, i thought it was great too, not just cuz of the fun references.
I loved Cars and I was well into my 20s when I saw it. It is up there with Top Gear and Pink Floyd as one of the beat pieces of the world!
6/24/11 12:24 a.m.
I loved it. I watched the DVD about 100 times in the hospital. I was also poping Oxycondone like Pez and like the sticker said, "Rush is Right" That stuff was almost as good as the morphine drip.
John Brown wrote:
I guess I am the only person who LIKED Cars.
Hell no! It's my favorite Pixar movie. I know, blasphemy. But it is. When the Porsche character took off through the twisty road and it actually sounded like a 996 Porsche slamming the throttle in 2nd gear, I knew it was my favorite Pixar movie.
I just got home from seeing it. Yes, one of the plot lines in the movie does revolve around "Big Oil". Do keep in mind that the alternative fuel in this instance was still a substance that burned in internal combustion engines. I didn't see it as political to be honest.
Go see this movie if you're a car geek. I lost count of NA Miatas. There's quite a bit of car geekery throughout the whole movie. It's a popcorn flick, not a serious flick like "Toy Story" or "UP". Personally, the story line is really only there to tie the references and car stuff together.
One thing to note is that there are far more real cars in this one. I won't spoil it any more than I have with the NA Miata mention, but I dare you to name every real car you see in this movie without looking them up.
6/24/11 4:24 a.m.
Twin_Cam wrote:
John Brown wrote:
I guess I am the only person who LIKED Cars.
Hell no! It's my favorite Pixar movie. I know, blasphemy. But it is. When the Porsche character took off through the twisty road and it actually sounded like a 996 Porsche slamming the throttle in 2nd gear, I knew it was my favorite Pixar movie.
I loved it. I even loved the PC message at the end, and wish more NASCAR fans saw it...I would like for them to realize that Dale`s willingness to crash others may not be something worth celebrating.
I also want to point out that they seemed to have sampled every one of those engine noises in Cars 2. It half feels like they made this movie after reading every thread on this forum.
JoeyM wrote:
Twin_Cam wrote:
John Brown wrote:
I guess I am the only person who LIKED Cars.
Hell no! It's my favorite Pixar movie. I know, blasphemy. But it is. When the Porsche character took off through the twisty road and it actually sounded like a 996 Porsche slamming the throttle in 2nd gear, I knew it was my favorite Pixar movie.
I loved it. I even loved the PC message at the end, and wish more NASCAR fans saw it...I would like for them to realize that Dale`s willingness to crash others may not be something worth celebrating.
Move to France hippy!

Couldn't care less about NASCAR
6/24/11 5:48 a.m.
z31maniac wrote:
*Couldn't care less about NASCAR*
Cheese eating surrender monkey! 
JoeyM wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
*Couldn't care less about NASCAR*
Cheese eating surrender monkey!
For sale:
100,000 rifles, like new, only dropped once.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I loved Cars. I can't tell you how many times I watched it on DVD and kept an eye out for Easter Eggs I hadn't caught the last time I watched. Definitely my favorite Pixar movie to date.
I am excited to seeing Cars 2. My wifes family is giving me crap about it. By the Previews, I think there is going to be car guy overload (it's kind of sad that it has to be done with an animated movie
). I just don't get why the extremists have to turn something so innocent into a political issue. It's ridiculous.
Let 'em yell, it keep them occupied. 
I can't wait to go see it, both of my boys are chomping at the bit to go. The movies are well done and if it helps get kids interested in cars and racing all the better.