So, we had been planning from the beginning of the cabin build to go with a traditional ducted central heating/air conditioning system for the cabin, but with having to stop and re-assess and adjust the plans with changing builders it has been suggested that we more seriously consider a mini-split systems (or systems) for heating and cooling the cabin.
The initial reason this was suggested was one of the potential builder's concerns that we would be having a rather long run of the refrigerant line from the compressor given the likely placement of it relative to the main cabin (on the ground at the bottom of the structure, some 25 feet below the floor of the cabin) and the potential efficiency loss over that distance as well as the similar issues with ducting for the system for both heating and cooling. We've been trying to make smart decisions in designing and outfitting the cabin to minimize utility costs (since we intend to own this for the long run) and had from the get-go budgeted for a more efficient HVAC system.
The advantage of using a mini-split would be that it should be more efficient than the traditional system, and also has the advantage- if we use multiple smaller systems- of being able to control the individual temperatures of different rooms/spaces. The downside I've heard is that they are initially more expensive, and that it can be challenging to heat and cool rooms like the bathrooms in the cabin without an exterior wall to attach a unit to.
We've only really ever seen mini-splits in a few other cabins we've stayed in and when abroad... what experiences have you guys had with them, good or bad? Thanks!