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1988RedT2 MegaDork
3/2/24 2:42 p.m.

In reply to Stampie :

You can do just a few.  I think the local ag supply said it's a state law that they cannot sell you less than six birds, because they have much higher survival rates than with fewer birds.  So, six bird minimum.

All hens is pretty much mandatory if it's eggs you're after.  If you're into breeding birds, that's a different thing.  The roosters will generally rough up the hens, so I wouldn't keep any roosters in with a flock of layers. 

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Publisher
3/2/24 3:05 p.m.

I saw Chicken Run, so I'm assuming they should start sharing eggs with each other if they want to avoid the pie machine. 

RedGT Dork
3/2/24 9:09 p.m.

You can do all hens. And unless you hate your neighbors , or yourself if you have no neighbors, you probably should get all hens at least to start. There are some breeds that get broody and need to raise a chick every so often...then you need roosters. But there are plenty of other selectively bred breeds that will lay away happily with no babies and no crowing needed.


When buying chicks, some breeds are sex linked meaning that you can tell by their color as a chick whether they are a hen or rooster. Also a good idea to start there.


Most places sell a minimum of 3 to 6 (sometimes they die) because yes, they need a group of around a handful at minimum to be happy.

jmabarone HalfDork
3/4/24 7:46 a.m.

Majority of our flock is on their 2nd winter.  December, egg laying was maybe 1-2 a day.  We had almost 20 hens.  Wife found a video about different mixes for food for better laying.  Tried it out and it has worked.  Not all are laying every day, but we saw an immediate increase in egg laying and it has stay consistent for the past 2 months.  And yes, it is starting to warm up now.  

Egg laying mix:

2-3 parts layer pellets (adjust as needed based on what your chickens actually eat)

2 parts cracked corn

2 parts black oil sunflower seeds

1 part high protein puppy food 

If it is cold, you can add in some red pepper flakes (video recommended this but I have not tried it.  Coworkers have and said it helped)  

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