Or adults ate getting dumber. The pussification of America continues.
*The Smoking Gun said*
A sheriff’s deputy was dispatched last week to a Florida elementary school after a girl kissed a boy during a physical education class. School brass actually reported the mpromptu buss as a possible sex crime according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office The assistant principal of Orange River Elementary School called in the cops after a teacher spotted the smooch Wednesday at the Fort Myers school. In fact, Margaret Ann Haring, 56, initially called child welfare officials, who directed her to contact the sheriff, according to a report. The kiss apparently occurred after two girls debated over whom the boy liked more. That’s when one of the girls “went over and kissed” the boy. The redacted sheriff’s report notes that Haring “stated there were no new allegations of sexual abuse as far as she knew.” Deputies do not appear to be further probing the preteen kiss.
11/23/11 8:13 a.m.
This is what "zero tolerance" policies buy you. Welcome to the world we've allowed - and in many cases, actively encouraged - to be made.
It is far easier to ask for forgiveness, than ask for permission. Or reworded slightly, it is far easier to follow the black and white than actually using your brain and put yourself into an indefensible legal gray area.
"Deputies do not appear to be further probing"
Common sense has left the country it seems
If this happened when I as a kid. The adults laughed and said it was cute. What the h*** happened.?
iceracer wrote:
If this happened when I as a kid. The adults laughed and said it was cute. What the h*** happened.?
lawyers, soccermoms, and precious snowflakes happened.

We played spin the bottle in kindergarten, complete with awkward kissing. The teacher was right there running the bottle operation.
In 3rd grade I wore a knife on my cub scout utility belt every damn day because I thought I was cool.
My math teacher would give me a case of shotgun shells to deliver to my grandfather for him after school. They were hunting buddies.
I remember going hunting before school and parking my car in the lot with a shotgun in the back when I was in 11th grade.
All of these would have a SWAT team on site at my son's school. My kindergarten teacher would be registering her whereabouts for the rest of her life.
Sometime after the 1980s... things went askew apparently.
MrJoshua wrote:
I blame SpongeBob.
I hear he likes the starfish.
11/23/11 12:33 p.m.
A 10 year old girl kisses a boy (who probably loved it) and its a sex crime.
Victoria's Secret runs nearly pornographic ads on national television during prime time programming directly into millions of people's homes and it's free speech.
...oh, I get it!

11/23/11 12:35 p.m.
Looks to me like some grown ups are quite out of control...
SVreX wrote:
Looks to me like some grown ups are quite out of control...
Winner, winner. Chill out people, please.
SVreX wrote:
Looks to me like some grown ups are quite out of control...
There comes an age where control must be omitted and stupidity is the unavoidable result.
The beauty of living in Hungary? I dont understand a stinking word of whats going on in the news