I got the pleasure of assembling a 14" trampoline complete with nanny state net for my kids the night before... but they love the thing :)...
the only "big" thing I got was from my mother-in-law was some italian love for my 30 year old Trek

...these are going to replace my late 90's ultegra STI shifters that are startting to get a bit gummed up and need new hoods (which are non existent... thank you shimano for planned obsolesce)
should play nicely with my shimano/sram mixed 9 speed bike :)... shimergo here I come
Cash mostly, some nice clothes and some nice carhart gloves, and the thing I'm most excited about a sega genesis console with games on it and ability to play cartridges! Now I have to go find mutant league football and earthworm Jim.
I got a nice shop vac from Future Wife, a nice collection of unibits from my pops, and GT6 from dear old me.
My niece and nephews were nice enough to share the flu with me, too.
Got a new grill
Ya know, I don't know how the hell I could've been any more obvious with the "hint" dropping. "Hey, remember when you broke my grill? I could sure use another one. Christmas is coming. Hint-hint." and "WOW, can you believe this unseasonably good weather??? Perfect grilling weather! If only we had a berkeleying grill, but you broke my perfectly good one."
12/26/13 2:50 p.m.
I'm guessing you didn't get a grill 
Highlights were some nice trail socks from mom and my art-major brother drew and framed a sweet picture of my 924. I'm happy
I got the new Zelda game that I've been waiting like a decade for, a new soldering station, and a dead Tek 2335 oscilloscope.
My godkids bought me a fully auto Nerf gun. I've already taken it apart so I can mod it. That bright blue has got to go!
for me: winter running apparel.
for the wife: gift certificates for local department store.
for the kids (yeah right): air hocket table that's too big to make the turn at the top of the basement stairs, so is currently in the living room. ;-)
12/26/13 4:13 p.m.
I got some various cosmetic items for an upcoming trip, Downton Abbey seasons 1-3 on dvd, Dark Knight Rises, cash, a new watch (Casio F-91W ftw) and some other things that are escaping me right now.
Got a gift card from the kiddo (that's a big deal, it's the first year she has bought Christmas with her own money!), some cash from Mom, cards from my brothers. The cash will finish off the Jensenator's boostified swap. 
12/26/13 7:26 p.m.
My daughter took up knitting awhile back, a few years ago I sent her a pattern for something to knit me. This year she finished, best christmas present ever. Embarrassing the wife wearing this thing everywhere.

I got a snow broom, a multitool, some towels and a Mustang calendar from the folks.
Technically, SWMBO and I each buy for ourselves, and those are the gifts we give since she's horrible at taking hints.
I got a cool quadrotor air hogs chopper from her, but its already out of service.
Mod Squad
12/26/13 8:03 p.m.
still waiting to exchange presents with my sister's family.
Almost forgot, "we" got a gift card to lowe's and one to olive garden. And I have a yet to arrive gift from SWMBO. Shipping is taking longer than expected #thanksobama
I got a remote control helicopter. Apparently pretty durable.
Also, my FIL gave me a beaver skin hat and a goat skin jacket. That was kind of odd, but cool...
EDIT: Oh, yea. And a really nice USN MK3 Knife.
N Sperlo wrote:
EDIT: Oh, yea. And a really nice USN MK3 Knife.
I have had one of those for something like 20 years...holy carp has it really been that long? 
12/26/13 9:22 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
JThw8 wrote:
My daughter took up knitting awhile back, a few years ago I sent her a pattern for something to knit me. This year she finished, best christmas present ever. Embarrassing the wife wearing this thing everywhere.
The original pattern did not have the "blood" she added it at my request, I think it really makes it
12/26/13 10:54 p.m.
Dude. Jim. My wife knits like crazy. PLEASE share that pattern with me. Thanks!
On the Santa front, Mrs. Claus surprised me with a GoPro Hero3 Silver. I am beyond psyched. I need a roll bar mount and a suction cup and I am good to go. Oh, and a couple fast microSD cards. But the iPhone app works great with it!
Also got GT6, but I knew that was coming. Got to surprise Mrs. Claus with a new Ratchet & Clank game she didn't know about, and a fee other good items, but she wins this year hands down for GoProing me.
New Reader
12/26/13 11:21 p.m.
Socks, a shirt, battlefield 4, an ortgies .32, kahr cw380, and a 20" gov profile a3 upper.
And some sort of stomach bug.