My son wears a suit everyday & prefers french cuffs. So for the guy that has everything, why not car cuff links?
What are you asking Santa for?
My son wears a suit everyday & prefers french cuffs. So for the guy that has everything, why not car cuff links?
What are you asking Santa for?
In reply to 914Driver:
I am in the same boat - in a suit almost every day and I too prefer french cuffs. I have those steering wheel links along with a set that's one each gas and speedo with needles that move, a set of brake rotors with red calipers and a set of black Miata-like convertables in my collection. My current faves are a set that are white enamled circles with chrome around them and are labeled in a plain font "left" and "right" - when I really want to mess with people I'll wear them reversed
Where did you find those motor ones? I like them. Edit - forgot about the pair I have with a 5-speed shift pattern on them.
I need some new 6 point sockets. Would love to replace a tube tv with an lcd hdtv. Our main tv is a flat screen, but we have a couple of smaller ones, that it sure would be nice to free up the space by going with flat screen. Cheap as they are, they aren't free yet, so I'm not sure I can justify it yet for tv's that don't get a ton of use.
I told my dad this is all I want for Christmas.
LOL. I can wish.
TSC has a $750 compressor on sale for $450 tomorrow.
It's the sale I've been waiting for someone to have, and I'm buying myself an early Christmas present
My wife's going to be thrilled with the cool Flintstones book I found.
There's so much I want, but we can't really afford anything. I think we'll do Christmas some time in 2013.
Already bought a racecar set from the Legos store for my nephew and some assorted goodies for SWMBO.
914, I like these
The poster formally known as 96DXCivic wrote: I told my dad this is all I want for Christmas. I can wish.
Sorry kid, it's sox and underwear for you.
Already bought some presents for a few people. Costco was having a sale on the baddest Nerf guns known to man, so I bought three. Don't know who they are for yet, but I'll figure it out.
And I'm pretty sure the misses has bought me a GoPro HD, I accidentally opened a fedex box yesterday that I wasn't suppose to. There was a suction mount in it
Who DOESNT need Nerf? I'm 31 and I have two nerf cannons on my desk at work, and another wicked one at home. Goodwill FTW- they get damaged packages from Target. Paid 15$ for the chaingun the last time I was there- and it was complete!
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