10/18/10 12:12 p.m.
So, since I have an impromptu two week vacation, I have a list of chores. Cleaning grout is on this list. I despise cleaning grout. My wife and I attacked it together a few years ago with special cleaner, magic eraser, cleaner etc... What worked the best was a paper towel and baking soda and water. This time, the Nanny is home, the wife is gone. I know what I can do. Get a buffing wheel from Lowes, hack it onto my 4" grinder. Now we're cleaning with POWER! Sorta. Instead of cleaning the tile, it burns the baking soda (smells nasty) and then splatters the remains all over the stove. OK, fine, I'll get the paper towels.
needs an orbital motion btw
edit: think palm sander
I think its called Zep cleaner that we used. Picked it up at home depot and it worked like magic.
Pressure washer or steam cleaner?
Porter Cable and a heavy duty pad, + your cleaner of choice is what I use.
Amazingly, a Porter Cable + wool pad and Woolite cleans microfiber couches to like new.
This is why I used a dark colored grout when I tiled my kitchen counter and backsplash. 
Funny you mention this. The wife and I were just looking at our kitchen floor this weekend. We haven't had to tackle this issue before. Our previous houses had vinyl kitchen floors. Now we have tile. You use baking soda and water? Does it work really well?
By the way, is the nanny live in or live out? We've got a live in. Ain't it fun?? 
I bought one of those smaller bristle style brooms you use on cement floors to clean and got some cleaning stuff from Home Depot as well. Our bathroom floor grout has never looked better.
Looked like the blue one in the middle. Only it had an 8 inch head. Saved teh back and knees. Was able to swirl and twist broom around toilet base, etc. Should be easier in kitchen. Sorry can't remember name of cleaner but I got it at HD.
10/18/10 3:42 p.m.
grout removal blade on HF multifunction power tool
dark grout
never clean grout again.
(i hate light colored grout)
Best way to clean grout is to dump a bunch of bleach on it and walk away.
Doesn't work so well on vertical tile.
10/18/10 6:26 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote:
Porter Cable and a heavy duty pad, + your cleaner of choice is what I use.
Amazingly, a Porter Cable + wool pad and Woolite cleans microfiber couches to like new.
Thanks for the advice, but I am confused. Porter Cable makes a lot of different types of power tools. A drill? Sander? Compressor?
10/18/10 6:28 p.m.
Klayfish wrote:
Funny you mention this. The wife and I were just looking at our kitchen floor this weekend. We haven't had to tackle this issue before. Our previous houses had vinyl kitchen floors. Now we have tile. You use baking soda and water? Does it work really well?
By the way, is the nanny live in or live out? We've got a live in. Ain't it fun??
Our Nanny (for clarification, not a grandmother, just a Nanny) doesn't live here. She's great, though. She watches the kids for way less than daycare, and we know where they are and that there aren't any over made-up high school girls changing my kids diapers whilst texting or whatever it is the kids do these days. Plus, noplace to drive after work but home, and she can take care of the dogs while she's at it.
sulfamic acid crystals - your local big box hardware store should have it. Sealing the grout after is highly recommended.
Check it out!
Hit a janitorial supply place and get yourself some Daycon Harmony.
Do not mix it with any other cleaners. You will die like a WW1 trench soldier in a gas attack.
Also, Zep tile+grout cleaner at Home Despot is good, albeit stinky.
Apply liberally, scrub with a stiff nylon brush. Grey Scotchbrite is good too, but be careful near shiny ceramic tile.
After it's dry, seal that grout.
Vinegar. Then your baking soda.
Zombie thread!
I have heard good things about "Bar Keepers Friend", but I have not tried it myself.
3/31/13 9:31 p.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Zombie thread!
I have heard good things about "Bar Keepers Friend", but I have not tried it myself.
Dude. Major Zombie thread. I don't even remember posting this. Plus, I totally thought you would post "shotgun".
While the shotgun would clean the hell out of that grout, I think it might be too harsh on the tile. 
Hey what happen to the Nanny?
4/1/13 6:58 a.m.
Sine_Qua_Non wrote:
Hey what happen to the Nanny?
Wife stays home with the kids now that there are four. The nanny isn't that well, honestly. She's coming over sometime soon to grab the rest of the liver from our half cow.