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N Sperlo
N Sperlo MegaDork
5/3/14 12:26 p.m.

Pepsi. As for the noted "Throwback" navaderrik mentioned; Just as an FYI, Pepsi will once again begin making many sodas with REAL sugar.

On to the next question: Soda, Pop, or Coke?

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
5/3/14 12:38 p.m.

The first time I heard someone ask for a pop, I thought they were asking for a slap upside the head. Still makes me giggle a little.

Spitsix Reader
5/3/14 1:00 p.m.

I have been diet coke free since the beginning of the year. Switched to half and half tea. I don't feel any different!

But to the important thing - Nothing beat drinking a diet coke and walking up to a disabled car, the driver with the hood open. Car won't start. Take a sip of Diet Coke and pour the rest on the corroded terminals and watch the everything dissolve. Tighten connection and start the car! The people swear they will never drink it again!

Spitsix Reader
5/3/14 1:02 p.m.

Also ants don't go near Diet Coke - Another plus!

Spitsix Reader
5/3/14 1:05 p.m.

Maybe I stopped drinking Diet Coke because of the above two posts!

EastCoastMojo Mod Squad
5/3/14 1:18 p.m.

In reply to Datsun1500:

I'm not crazy. You're the one who's crazy. /Suicidal Tendancies

nepa03focus Reader
5/3/14 2:44 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote: You will find that your Coke vs Pepsi results are very regional. In Atlanta, Coke HQ, it will certainly be Coke, but...Pepsi was founded in North Carolina where the OP's profile says he is located. From the ages of 21 to 30 (now 47), I worked for Coca-Cola in Ohio. We were the #2 offering. You can try googling some results but there is a much easier way to get to the bottom of this, specific to any individual market. In your local, full service grocery store, count the linear shelf space dedicated to soft drinks. It is not just willy-nilly decided how much space is dedicated to Coke, Pepsi, etc; this space is earned and paid for. The brand with the most space has typically earned it. Compare the space dedicated to the Pepsi full brand offerings to the Coke full brand offerings. 2 feet of difference is a big deal. 4 ft difference is significant. 8ft difference tremendous. This will clearly show you who is dominate in your marketplace. This variation in space is fought for and defended DAILY. In the stores that I was responsible for, I knew exactly how much space we were allotted and verified that correct allotment DAILY. Now that you have found your market leader, which flavors to buy. Here the "Corporate Product Brand Flow" will give you the answer. The Coca-Cola brands will start with Coca-Cola Classic and the Cola brands, then the Diet Cola brands, next the flavors and typically ending with Coke's Sprite brand. Focus onto the 2L bottles. You may see that Coke has 8 facings of Coca-Cola Classic. 7 facings of Diet Coke and 3 facings of Sprite. All other flavors given just one facing (one bottles worth of shelf space.) These amount of facing are also highly researched and are also dedicated by "Corporate Merchandising Standards." Use these percentages you see to determine how much of each flavor to buy. I would expect something like 45 percent cola, 40 percent diet cola and 5 percent Sprite. This is just a guess, the real answer is right there in front of you on the shelf. I would keep it simple and only offer 3-4 flavors of soft drink and 1 water. If Coke brands then Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite. If Pepsi brands then Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mt Dew and one non-caffine offering like Orange or Sierra Mist but Pepsi's brand of Sierra Mist is far inferior to Sprite in sales numbers.

Is it true you could be fired for buying or drinking Pepsi in public if you work for coke? Or is that just an urban legend

impulsive Reader
5/3/14 2:47 p.m.
bentwrench wrote: Whats wrong with fruit juice or water? There is no upside to sodas unless you spill some liquor in it.

this, but I wouldn't even want to foul my booze with nasty worthless soda.

JohnRW1621 UltimaDork
5/3/14 2:55 p.m.

I never saw anyone fired for it but it sure would set you up for ridicule, shame and general harassment.
The culture and the pride was strong. To give you an example, we never stayed at a hotel or held a meeting at a banquet space unless that facility was a Coke customer.
In those days, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC were 100% owned by Pepsi. Don't dare attend any for lunch regardless of what you drank...just don't go there.

On the other hand, I was reasonably good friends with a few of the Pepsi guys. It was not uncommon to go to lunch with the Pepsi guy (just not to any of the places listed above) and depending on where, someone drank water.

nepa03focus Reader
5/3/14 3:19 p.m.

NeAt, thanks for the information. I applied once to our local coke place but didn't get an interview.

bravenrace UltimaDork
5/3/14 3:48 p.m.

Coke, no joke.

ryanty22 Reader
5/3/14 5:42 p.m.

Went to the Auto x today, did a little better than breaking even on the sodas and waters. Now at least I have a stock to sell at the next Auto X or any car meets here in my area. Met tpwalsh, he seemed really cool, but busy as hell with the timing and some issues they had. Even though we didnt do as well as I'd hoped with the drinks the kids had a good time as did I, my 4 yr old is TIRED.

Flight Service
Flight Service MegaDork
5/3/14 5:44 p.m.


ryanty22 Reader
5/3/14 5:48 p.m.

I did go with a majority of coke products, with some Pepsi and Mtn Dew in the coolers, They even announced our presence over the loud speakers My littlest one thought that was sooo awesome

mad_machine MegaDork
5/3/14 6:41 p.m.
clutchsmoke wrote: Way more Pepsi fans in here than I am comfortable with. Ever since I can remember I have not cared for the taste of Pepsi. Coke is delicious. Diet Coke is foul. RC Cola is delicious. Root Beer is soooo good!

Stewart's Rootbear is -so- good.. the rest is trash

iceracer PowerDork
5/3/14 6:47 p.m.

A friend was driving his truck one night and it started overheating. No water to be found. Happened to remember he had a six pack of coke under the seat. Poured it all into the radiator. shortly after no more overheating.

So Coke is good for something.

BoostedBrandon Dork
5/3/14 6:50 p.m.

Between Coke or Pepsi, I prefer Pepsi. However I am not anti Coke, I'll drink most any soda. I actually buy something different constantly, and lately that's been Diet Mt. Dew.

We bought a Sodastream, and it's pretty good. Uses real sugar so the taste takes a lil bit to get used to, but overall it's cheaper than buying package soda, and makes less waste too.

Of anything I prefer a good southern sweet tea. Like really sweet. Like borown sugar water sweet. Drink too many and you start twitching sweet.

Anyone here ever drink Ski?

For the uninitiated, it's kindof a mix of your Mello Yellos and Mountain Dew, but a lil more tart, kinda like a Squirt. It's also made with natural juices, and it has a sediment warning on the label.

Mitchell UltraDork
5/3/14 6:55 p.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote: My own experience. In 1987, I was working in a grocery store making $4.65 per hour (min wage was more like $4.) I found out that Coke hired college students for the summer at $8 (huge lift.) The union was strong (teamsters.) There we strict limits on how many "seasonal workers" they could hire and how many months they could work us full time and then part time hours of weekends during the rest of the year. Cut ahead 9 years later, I was the district manager over two counties in Ohio. The union had got weakened significantly (not a good thing) and I was hiring the same employees for $6.50 NINE YEARS LATER. As such, the level of employee we got was crap and turnover was huge when you consider the all physical nature of the work. Though I was in management, it was not me making the rules or setting the wages. There was a whole parade of idiots above me calling the shots. It was an interesting time though. When I started it was returnable 8 pack glass bottles in wooden cases. By the time I left, everything was plastic or alum. I missed the New Coke introduction but was around for the re-into of Classic. I was there for the introduction of bottled water and the rise of Snapple type drinks. I was out before energy drinks hit the market.

Working in a grocery store, I always heard that Pepsi guys were better paid than Coke.

As far as my preference goes, definitely Coke. Coke Zero is quite good as well. I don't drink a lot of either, though. I'm back to my rule that I only drink carbonation when there is alcohol in it (hence the expensive ginger beer in the fridge).

Wally MegaDork
5/3/14 8:29 p.m.

In reply to JohnRW1621:

87 was the beginning of the end here as well. All the routes here were distributorships where you owned and worked the route and bought the soda from the bottlers. The 7up bottler was mismanaged into bankruptcy so my dad and uncle lost there routes and Coke and to some extent Pepsi were buying their routes back from the drivers.

Near the end they had picked up Poland Spring so we were trying to get our stops to take it. Almost all of them said we were crazy, it would never catch on. There were only a handful of places dad would take us out to eat since pretty much no one had a 7up fountain.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/3/14 10:22 p.m.

Which syrup is better at replacing VHT at the drag strip?

codrus HalfDork
5/3/14 10:54 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic UberDork
5/3/14 11:05 p.m.

I used to drink a lot of mountain dew throwback and pepsi throwback(like 2-3 cases a week), then I quit for health reasons, besides the occasional one when I go out.

Rufledt SuperDork
5/3/14 11:41 p.m.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: I used to drink a lot of mountain dew throwback and pepsi throwback(like 2-3 cases a week), then I quit for health reasons, besides the occasional one when I go out.

Whatever you do, do not google Mt. Dew Mouth.

Ok, now that you've googled it, it's disgusting, right? It's like meth addict mouth!

Mt. Dew is too tasty to stop, though.

Streetwiseguy UberDork
5/4/14 12:11 a.m.

Mountain Dew is one of those confusing things to me. I understand how they could sell the first bottle, because nobody knew what it tasted like yet. How they ever managed to shift the second one is beyond me.

Rufledt SuperDork
5/4/14 12:57 a.m.

I feel the same about beer. it's an acquired taste. i pushed through the taste acquisition period due to my need for the caffiene. i assume it's the same with beer and alcohol. Wine I understand, though, 'cause that stuff tastes great right off the bat.

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