I have spent $40K this year on my daughters College. That includes food, her dorm etc. It boils down to 20K per semester. We just got the notice that they are not going back to school this year. We only completed about 1/4 of the second semester. They are saying that they will be completing there studies on line. I call BS. My daughter is a biology major and most of her classes are labs. You can not do labs at home.
Also what about the scholarship $$$$ she got that the school has. That was another 40K or so. I am going to be responsible for paying that back?
If I wanted my daughter to go to an on line school like those you see advertised on late night TV. I could have done that for a small fraction of what I have paid out for her education. The bottom line is I don't feel like I am getting what I paid for.
I can see this being a really big problem for students and there families. I can also see the Colleges being very squeaky about giving the $$$ back and instead wanting to issue some sort of credit. With the financial uncertainties at the moment I want the $$$$ back in my daughters bank account not being held by some institution for an extender period of time.
I don't think this has been thought about by many but I can see it becoming a big issue for many. Currently the way I se eit they are holding about 30K of my $$$ (Includes Scollership $$$) for services not rendered and moving forward I am definitely not going to be getting the services I paid them for.
So what would you all do. I want to be in front of this as I think one people wake up to this there is going to be a big problem / panic
There is another Issue that I am not happy about. My daughter came home with only a backpack worth of close as she was only going to be home for a week. All her stuff is at the dorm. Most of her close, school books, school papers, personal items, personal documents, computer equipment, and we have been told that we are not allowed to get her stuff until some time in mid/late May (10 weeks from now). I really don't fell like replacing all this stuff. I could cost me several more thousand dollars If I have to. I mean she needs something to ware more than the three changes of close. Have you ever shopped for close for a 18 year old Girl? There prices are nuts compaired to close for boys. I also can see how by holding her stuff hostage they can then now charge me for her room and that is not sitting well with me. I am thinking of putting them on notice that we are willing to pick up her stuff now so they can no hold that over me (that is worth about $4K).
I don't want to get a attorney but my spidey censes are tingling at the moment with respect to all this and the little voice of reason in my head is not coming up with any good reasons not to. We are not talking small $$$ here.
So What would you all do?
Call them? Ok there will be no record of the conversation.
I am thinking having my attorney craft them a letter. At least there will be a record of my notifying them of my concerns and my want for getting the $$$$ squared away ASAP. Also a letter from may attorney may actually get there attention.
Not sure where to go with this but again I don't want to let it ride. I want resolution now and I want my daughters stuff back.