Okay, so I've got the HF cheap flux-core machine and I made SWMBO a nice pencil holder for her desk at work. Now I have my brother's Hobart MIG on loan for a few months and I want to get some practice and whip out some nice metal work. What can I build (other than a car) that will knock her socks off? 
So maybe knocking her socks off is aiming a little too high. What can I build in a day that would be useful? Interesting? Attractive?
Need to get mine started.
3/29/12 8:15 a.m.
Coffee tables can be made easily and can be very attractive. Make the top from floor tiles or wood floor planks. I've done a bunch of these. Also, a garden work bench or nice solid book cases.
cwh wrote:
Coffee tables can be made easily and can be very attractive. Make the top from floor tiles or wood floor planks. I've done a bunch of these. Also, a garden work bench or nice solid book cases.
You give ideas that will make the wife happy. 
build her a welding table 
Hey Woody, is the Second Edition coming out soon? That would be: Build Your Own Off-Road Buggy For As Little as GBP100... And Race It
The book should show lots of pictures of things like hammers, files and hack saws, and some completed vehicles with store bought sub assemblies. I can see the chapter on the seat now: "How to make a seat: Find some fiberglass someone is throwing out. Start to lay it up. Stop when it looks like a seat." When it goes out of print, you can sell the copies for $85 on Amazon.
Hey now. Keep that up and I won't be making 400% profit on my Build Your Own Sports Car copy on eBay.
Chair frames to hold a Recaro, or junkyard seat . Very comfortable for watching TV !
Maybe take a look around here for something you can do with a welder...
Last time I had to do a welding project (school) I built one of these

The time before it was one of these

I still use both of them.
In reply to Zomby Woof:
You know, I could really use a press...
I'll just leave this here....

3/30/12 8:24 a.m.
Make a wall mounted pull-up bar. Nice and simple. And if it breaks while you're working out with it you'll know you need more practice welding.

Simple, but neat. A welded chain wine bottle holder.
Whoa! Some good ideas here. That wine bottle holder is way cool!
3/30/12 5:17 p.m.
Re: Welded chain thing. I made a really cool looking lamp that way. Still have it.