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Lesley SuperDork
12/18/10 4:59 p.m.

OK, it ain't the CR-X. I'm on day 3 with this weird little thing and it's really beginning to grow on me. Drove it once briefly with the CVT (insert retching icon) but with 6-speed, it's quite tossable. In "normal" it's lazy, in "eco" it's downright lethargic, but when in "sport" mode, the throttle response is enough to spin the tires in 1st and 2nd. Just got back from a jaunt through the tight, twisty and hilly roads around Mosport - although it could stand to lose a bit of weight, there's no wallow or roll and the steering is just fine. Only thing that's pissing me off is the lack of seat heaters - should be verboten in Canada, particularly in December.

The poster formally known as 96DXCivic
The poster formally known as 96DXCivic SuperDork
12/18/10 5:06 p.m.

I want to try one out. I think they are kinda cool.

WilberM3 HalfDork
12/18/10 5:10 p.m.

without having driven yet, i like them. but i dont want the complexity of a hybrid system that doesnt get me 50mpg. i think one of the reasons the CRX is still so popular aside from weight/size is that it was simple enough that it didnt require any different ownership or maintenance (possible) issues, which over the years has allowed so many swaps to be easily completed. i'm not saying that wont still happen with the CRZ but if they do end up putting any of their gasoline engines in it from the factory that same trait will likely apply, and i'd be a possible future buyer if it drives as well as i'm hoping.

i too want to check one out, maybe it'll even change my mind on the hybrid side.

Lesley SuperDork
12/18/10 5:15 p.m.

Agreed. But at least it's a progression from the frump-ugliness of the previous generation of hybrids. Having driven in California a lot over the last couple of months, I've grown to despise Prius (Priiius? Priuses?) and their self-righteous d-bag owners (been brake-checked several times, almost became a 5.0L Mustang suppository on Mulholland). At least this hybrid isn't smug.

WilberM3 HalfDork
12/18/10 5:19 p.m.

what sort of real world mileage did you see?

triumph5 Dork
12/18/10 5:21 p.m.

You're probably one of a handful on this site that have actually driven one, Lesley. The rest of us are going on what's been written, said, implied, rumored, garnered by numbers and weight v. hp.....etc.

All with an overwhelming ssigh of, "Damn, if only they'd take this one good looking model, and put a performance engine in it, they'd FINALLY have something for Joe Average to attain again!" Me thinks.

So, being that you're one of "us", it's encouraging that you find it entertaining. Are you spinning those tires on dry pavement, or a little bit of moisture on the road? See! It's that type of cynicism that has become pervasive to it, because of the early reviews, and impressions of the econo-mileage outfitting of the car that has received the majority of the press. Me thinks.

I saw one at a dealership, and thought, Damn, put a real engine in it, whats-a-matter-with-you-Honda?!"

Lesley SuperDork
12/18/10 5:29 p.m.

Wilber, it depends... since I've been doing a lot of highway driving, I'd say around 6-7L/100 k. But I'm admittedly heavy on the gas pedal. If I drive like a hypermiler, in eco mode, around the city I can run on electric. Those California eco-buttwads could probably get 2-3L/100 km. The roads have a lot of slush and snow this time of year, but there were several lovely dry stretches today where I was able to put it into "sport" which changes the character entirely. Spun the tires taking off on dry pavement in 1st, and chirped again in 2nd. Throttle response is really aggressive up through the gears. The IP is a real trip - it almost looks like a holograph, and changes colour from green (eco) to blue (normal) to red (sport). Other than the completely ridiculous back seat (it's plastic!) I could own this car. Thank you Honda for putting a manual gearbox in a hybrid.

gamby SuperDork
12/18/10 5:33 p.m.

A higher hp engine (like 20 more) plus the electric motor would get more fans of it. I'm sure it's an engaging drive, but on paper, it's just not all that impressive.

I agree w/ WilburM3--I need to see higher fuel efficiency. Seems like it could pull close similar numbers with a plain ol' K20A in there.

I'd love to see the fuel economy of that one that has the K swap in it.

Platinum90 SuperDork
12/18/10 6:46 p.m.

If I were in the market for a new car, it would certainly be near the top of my list. As long as I had a budget for some Mugen parts.

wbjones Dork
12/18/10 7:16 p.m.

can't remember where, but recently I read that a CR-V might become available with a turbo... and NO battery pack...

Ranger50 Reader
12/18/10 8:20 p.m.

My hate is purely because it is a Honda. After trying to work on them in an aftermarket repair facility, I'll pass. I'd rather work on some broken down one off German vehicle without instructions then any Honda.

Streetwiseguy HalfDork
12/18/10 9:14 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote: My hate is purely because it is a Honda. After trying to work on them in an aftermarket repair facility, I'll pass. I'd rather work on some broken down one off German vehicle without instructions then any Honda.

There is no way on Earth you can be serious.

Ranger50 Reader
12/18/10 9:22 p.m.

As a heart attack. that is on top of the bland boring designs.


DILYSI Dave SuperDork
12/18/10 11:29 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote: As a heart attack. that is on top of the bland boring designs. JMO.

Weird. Honda is my favorite brand to work on. Everything is just right where it should be, has plenty of access space, etc.

My Subaru is OK. The wife's Mazda sucks. The Jeep is simpler than the Honda, with more room, but requires a stepladder and everything is covered in a lovely oil/dirt mixture. Fortunately, I haven't had to work on the 2500HD yet, but it looks simple enough.

SilverFleet HalfDork
12/18/10 11:53 p.m.

I don't exactly hate it, but I think it's a little homely and I'm not into hybrids all that much. The only Honda of recent memory (other than the S2000) that I like is the Civic Si. It does just about everything right and it's dead simple. Dare I say it's the only Honda product on the market right now that isn't offensive to the eyes?

Lesley SuperDork
12/19/10 12:24 a.m.

Yah, my Mazda sucks to work on too. The engine (V6) is shoehorned in, some of the spark plug boots are about six inches long, and I defy anyone to remove the EGR valve without a psychotic breakdown.

The poster formally known as 96DXCivic
The poster formally known as 96DXCivic SuperDork
12/19/10 8:43 a.m.
Ranger50 wrote: My hate is purely because it is a Honda. After trying to work on them in an aftermarket repair facility, I'll pass. I'd rather work on some broken down one off German vehicle without instructions then any Honda.

Say what? They are retarded simple to work on. As least Civics which are the only ones I have worked on.

carguy123 SuperDork
12/19/10 9:29 a.m.

Why the hate? Because the car they delivered is nothing like the sporty car they promised. That's it in a nutshell.

And I agree that the new Honda styling and eco direction is less than thrilling.

My S2000 is a thing of beauty (and very easy to work on) but there's nothing Honda has built since then that even enters into the "hmm one day I might buy one of those" catagories. When looking for a car for my 82 year old Gmama Honda never came up in the conversations with anyone in the family.

DILYSI Dave SuperDork
12/19/10 9:33 a.m.
Lesley wrote: Yah, my Mazda sucks to work on too. The engine (V6) is shoehorned in, some of the spark plug boots are about six inches long, and I defy anyone to remove the EGR valve without a psychotic breakdown.

If the EGR goes out in my wife's P5 again, I'm burning the damn car.

Lesley SuperDork
12/19/10 11:22 a.m.

Here's my buddy Justin's video review of the same car:


Derick Freese
Derick Freese Dork
12/19/10 11:37 a.m.

I drove a CR-Z. It was the CVT model, and the test drive was only a couple of miles, but I liked it. It was in Sport mode the whole time, so I wouldn't be able to give any opinion on Normal or Eco modes.

If the car were priced lower than it is, It would be on my radar. Since it's more expensive than a Mazdaspeed3, I'll take the MS3 instead.

FlightService Reader
12/19/10 11:40 a.m.

I have the same problem with the CRZ I had with the CRX.

I am 6'4" and have two kids.

Gurney bubble and a car seat in the hatch?

gamby SuperDork
12/19/10 12:12 p.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Ranger50 wrote: My hate is purely because it is a Honda. After trying to work on them in an aftermarket repair facility, I'll pass. I'd rather work on some broken down one off German vehicle without instructions then any Honda.
There is no way on Earth you can be serious.

I mean--if I can work on a Honda, then anyone with functioning eyes and hands can.

The primary reason the Civic/Integra was the poster child of the mid-90's-early 2000's tuner "thing" was because they were so easy to work on.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
12/19/10 5:17 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote: My hate is purely because it is a Honda. After trying to work on them in an aftermarket repair facility, I'll pass. I'd rather work on some broken down one off German vehicle without instructions then any Honda.

you have to be berkeleying kidding me....im a die hard gm nut job, but I am employed by Honda, it's almost a mindless job because they are so easy to work on, my brain rarely gets challenged by complex problems. The only way your statement has any relevance is if it is referring to how boring they are to work on, unlike let's say...a BMW, where a door latch has 200 moving parts and you have an aneurysm trying to figure out how to take it apart never mind putting it back together.

Toyman01 SuperDork
12/19/10 5:34 p.m.

Because it's a Honda. I have an irrational hate of any Honda with more than two wheels. The Civic Si we used for Lemons came close to changing my mind, but not quite.

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