Josh wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
Who decides that that is the point of the government, you?
Well, yeah! That's kind of the point! We're all supposed to decide what we want our government to be, and to have the ability to make it happen. That doesn't work when elected officials act in their own interests or the interests of donors instead of the interests of the people they are supposed to be serving. Hence why the OWS thing is resonating with so many people - who knows, maybe at some point, if this goes on long enough and disrupts the system enough, officials will start to listen to citizens instead of just donors and advisers.
Your "vision" of a Utopian government that serves the desires of your heart is in conflict with the opinion of the majority of this thread. You keep accusing people of not listening but the fact is we are, and we don't want it.
You are kicking and screaming not because of the inherent wrongness of what others are saying, but because of the inherent rightness or what YOU are saying and your unwillingness to live by it.
OWS is far from the majority. Very far. The majority of people do not want health care as it has been presented, corporations do in fact fund public art and projects, and most people understand that we HAVE to make some budget cuts, whether we like it or not, even if it means cutting NASA or something else we like.
I'm trying to be nice about it, but you are wrong. And you've been seriously out-voted. And you don't like it.
That's all you are communicating at this point.
So try this. Since even a 4 year old can understand that you can't spend twice what you make year after year, tell us what you think is worthy of being cut. I see that you love the arts and science and think government money should be used for them. So, what are we gonna cut? Slash big. Entire programs. It's gonna take a lot.
You'll probably start with the military, but be careful. The base I live near is 2 years behind in hiring, because they've been cut to historic lows. They have mandatory overtime with no overtime, and recently stopped tracking comp time because no one will be allowed to claim it anyway. Clearly in conflict with Federal hiring practices. So, I think we should be careful about military cuts.
Sure there's excess. $200 toilet seats, $500 hammers. But they exist in EVERY facet of government (NASA is certainly a terrible offender). There is no government effort that is without excess. If you are unwilling to cut from the arts or NASA, you are unwilling to cut their excess.
Your suggestions are falling on deaf ears because they make no sense. Try offering some constructive ideas for change, instead of griping about your own pet projects or peeves.